
Farmers’ Almanac astronomy provides the best times to view meteor showers, full moons, facts about planets and stars, plus more!

When Is The Orionid Meteor Shower 2024?

When Is The Orionid Meteor Shower 2024? featured image

Love shooting stars? Then you’ll love the Orionid Meteor Shower 2024. We explain everything you need to know! Have questions? Let us know in the comments below! What Are the Orionids? The Orionid Meteor Shower, the second meteor shower of October, peaks during the early morning hours of October 21-22 each year. Why are they

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What Is “False Dawn”?

What Is “False Dawn”? featured image

This month, you might be able to spot this ghostly glow extending up from the horizon before the sun rises. But you'll need to get someplace dark.

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