Red Fox: Facts and Tips For Keeping Them Away

Effective strategies to protect livestock and pets from red fox predation. Learn more!

Red fox were at one time native to North America. However, during the mid 1700’s, the European red fox was introduced to North America, and today’s red fox is a hybrid of the two species. The red fox has an elongated snout, a long bushy tail with a white tip that is carried horizontally, and pointed ears. It has a reddish-orange coat with a white underside, black feet, and the back of its ears are black. Red fox weigh between eight and fifteen pounds, and males are slightly heavier. Their length ranges from 39-44 inches.

The red fox occurs throughout much of North America, from Canada and Alaska to the southern United States. It is not found in the American Southwest, including California and the surrounding states.

The red fox prefers a mixture of forest and open fields. Because the red fox is an opportunistic species, they tend to do extremely well in urban and suburban areas. Though they often sleep during the day, the red fox is not strictly nocturnal, so it is not uncommon to see one during the day.

The vocalizations of the red fox vary from short barks or yaps to a combination of yells, long howls, and screeches.

Red fox usually make their home by improving abandoned dens left behind by woodchucks, badgers or other burrowing animals. They are also known to dig their own dens, and almost always have more than one so they can to move their young if they are disturbed or in danger. They can also rest under fallen logs and brush piles in a pinch.

The red fox’s diet consists of birds and eggs, insects, fruits, chipmunks, rabbits, woodchucks, voles, mice, amphibians, reptiles, carrion and garbage (the latter being one reason they do so well in urban and suburban areas). They mostly kill their prey and bring it to their den to feed, though the red fox is also sometimes known for burying their prey with dirt, mud, leaves and snow. They then urinate on the area to mark it, then return later to feed.

Young are born usually in March or April, with a gestation period of fifty one to fifty three days. Their litters average four to five young. The young are known as pups or kits. After four to five weeks, the pups emerge from the den to play. They are weaned at about twelve weeks, at which point they begin to hunt for food with their parents. In the fall, the young disperse to find their own range, and usually breed during their first winter

Problems, Solutions and Health Concerns:
A healthy adult fox does not generally pose a threat to humans or show aggression towards humans. As with all wildlife, though, one should not approach a fox, and should always stay attentive to children when outside, especially when it’s known that fox, or other large mammals occur in the area. Red fox commonly live among humans, and have become accustomed to our presence.

Fox sometimes prey on smaller livestock such as chickens, ducks, and rabbits. They will also prey on cats. Make sure your animals are secured, especially at night when most predation occurs. They generally do not bother large livestock. You can protect your livestock by securing pens, cages, hutches, coops and fencing. Remember, red fox are canines, making them excellent diggers. Make sure fencing is secure along the bottom, and consider trenching to bury the bottom part of the fence. Be sure to secure and tighten up the tops of fences, too, as they will climb over ones that are sagging or droopy.

Large dogs can help keep red fox away from your property. Make sure, however, to always accompany your pets when they are outside, unless they are specially trained to protect property and livestock. Make sure to also keep pet and livestock food secure, meat scraps from compost piles, and dead, fallen fruit from fruit trees and bushes cleaned up.

Millions of dollars annually are made from red fox pelts. Their fur is full, thick and silky, as opposed to that of the gray fox, which is thin and coarse. Hunting and trapping fox are some popular management tools for regulating populations. If done in season, and following local laws, it can also offer great recreational and financial opportunities for hunters and trappers.

The red fox can carry diseases such as rabies, mange, and distemper. Animals that appear sick or acting abnormal should be avoided at all costs. The following symptoms could be a sign of a sick animal: disorientation, lack of coordination, unusually friendly behavior, unprovoked aggression, impaired movement, and paralysis.

The red fox is a beautiful animal that is usually timid towards humans and will avoid contact with us when it can. They are fun to watch, especially if you are lucky enough to observe one interacting with its young outside a den site, or to catch one in pursuit of a mouse or a chipmunk. But remember, they are wild animals and should always be treated with respect, and from a comfortable distance. For the most part, we can live in harmony with red fox, but we need to be proactive with our property maintenance and prevention.

What’s that horrible sound?
Ever hear that screeching scary sound in the woods? It’s most likely the fox alarm bark. Take a listen:

Photo: By William H. Majoros – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Mammal - Vertebrate
Shawn Weeks

Shawn is a lifelong New Englander. He lives in Canton, Conn., with his wife Tami, mother, sister, and her three children. He and his wife have two grown children and two grandchildren. Shawn is an avid hunter, fisherman, and gardener. He is also a writer, a nuisance wildlife professional, small scale farmer, and scout leader. You can email him at [email protected].

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Vicki Rose

There were three maybe four red/gray foxes that came into the yard well before dark (5:30pm) and two were side by side going quickly but not running as if they had a mission, and then a very large red/gray fox appeared as to “stand guard” next thing I heard a weird commotion (couldn’t see) and I then I saw a smaller fox (trying to run) away from all of them (he was limping) My concern or question is would this be considered a “pack” and why would they attack one of their own and also the time of day is that a “red flag” or a “sign” maybe they are sick. We have only seen one fox in the yard in about one year and half, and one in a neighbors yard about two years ago and it attacked and had rabies.

susie savage

do you know of anyone that can trap a mamma fox in the Johnson C ty, tn area


Thank you so much for this information. You helped me a bunch on my science report!

lieapold waddie

thank youi

Larry Naylor

Your comments about the Red Fox are misleading. They are not the pest you claim. In the 1960 biologists in Michigan spend countless hours in the field studying the foxes diet and routine. Their research proved the Fox in a beneficial animal overall and an important part of “natures balance”. It led to most states removing the fox from the “nuisance list” and placing them on the game list with seasons and other protection from overkill. The elimination of bounties and change in attitude about the role the fox plays. If they feed on a “pet” so what? Keep your “pets” under control! Racoons and Squirrels are a different matter. The only good racoon is a dead racoon!

Jaime McLeod

Thanks for your comments, Larry. Just to be clear, though, the purpose of this “Pest of the Month” series isn’t to demonize any particular animal or advocate for wiping it out. As it says in the intro to every article, we believe it’s important to live in harmony with nature. These articles provide people with some best practices to use in their homes and gardens to prevent attracting wildlife in the first place, and ways to deter animals that have already taken up residence. Though Shawn is a sportsman, these articles very rarely advocate for killing the animals we label “pests.” We believe the best solution, when dealing with wildlife, is usually for people to change their own behavior, and I think that comes through clearly in this series.


Squirrels are scheduled for January. Email me direct Ann and I will do my best to help you. Over the phone might be best with such a problem.

anngrey saputo

Please do a pest of the month on squirrels. They have destroyed the brandnew covers over my gutters. Chewed on my wooden porches. Destroy my bird feeders dug up all my tulips wreck havoc running around the top of my roof. I have cut all branches that were even near the roof of my house. I have tried barbed wire cayenne pepper for my tulips and bird feeder NOTHING works they are horrible horrible pests

Kathy OConnor

I heard what sounded like a lady in the road screaming…we live in remote woodland Mountains and really thought someone was in trouble it was a red fox very close to our home, not sure why it was that close & why it was screaming like that!

Kathryn Smith

as beautiful as they are, people are not doing them any favors by putting out foodstuffs to attract specifically attract larger mammals ( foxes, raccoons, etc. ). Feeding wild birds will profide enough spilled seed to support the small rodents – cotton mice, field mice, larger beetles, etc., and those animals in turn are part of the food chain for the larger wildlife mammals. Please Don’t Feed the Bears – or anything but the birds!

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