
Zodiac Calendar – Moon’s Astrological Place in the Zodiac

The signs listed below are based on astrological calculations. Use these signs for all planting and other Almanac traditions. Check below our calendar for an explanation of the zodiac signs.

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July 2024
  • Jul 26 Aries

    Ram Head & Face

  • Jul 27 Taurus

    Bull Neck

  • Jul 28 Taurus

    Bull Neck

  • Jul 29 Gemini

    Twins Arms

  • Jul 30 Gemini

    Twins Arms

  • Jul 31 Cancer

    Crab Breast

August 2024
  • Aug 01 Cancer

    Crab Breast

  • Aug 02 Cancer

    Crab Breast

  • Aug 03 Leo

    Lion Heart

  • Aug 04 Leo

    Lion Heart

  • Aug 05 Virgo

    Virgin Bowels

  • Aug 06 Virgo

    Virgin Bowels

  • Aug 07 Virgo

    Virgin Bowels

  • Aug 08 Libra

    Balance Reins

  • Aug 09 Libra

    Balance Reins

  • Aug 10 Scorpio

    Scorpion Secrets

  • Aug 11 Scorpio

    Scorpion Secrets

  • Aug 12 Scorpio

    Scorpion Secrets

  • Aug 13 Sagittarius

    Archer Thighs

  • Aug 14 Sagittarius

    Archer Thighs

  • Aug 15 Capricorn

    Goat Knees

  • Aug 16 Capricorn

    Goat Knees

  • Aug 17 Aquarius

    Waterman Legs

  • Aug 18 Aquarius

    Waterman Legs

  • Aug 19 Pisces

    Fishes Feet

  • Aug 20 Pisces

    Fishes Feet

  • Aug 21 Aries

    Ram Head & Face

  • Aug 22 Aries

    Ram Head & Face

  • Aug 23 Taurus

    Bull Neck

  • Aug 24 Taurus

    Bull Neck

  • Aug 25 Gemini

    Twins Arms

  • Aug 26 Gemini

    Twins Arms


Zodiac Signs, Astrology And Astronomy Explained

Astrology interprets the influence that the Sun and Moon have while they are in a specific zodiacal sign. Astrology is based on the concept that there are 12 signs of the zodiac, measuring 30 degrees each, along the astrological circle.

However, because the astrological placement does not take into account the precession of the equinoxes (the “wobble” that the Earth’s axis describes over a 26,000-year interval), the Moon’s place according to astrology differs considerably from its physical place according to astronomy.

Astronomy is the scientific interpretation of matter in space. The Moon can wander into a few astronomical constellations that are not members of the zodiac. These constellations include: Sextans, (SXT); and Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer (OPH).

The Man of Many Signs

Astrologers associate the signs of the zodiac with specific parts of the body, believing that these signs have an effect on those parts. The dates listed on both sides are the Sun’s place in each astrological sign.

Zodiac Chart from Farmers' Almanac denoting the Man of Many Signs.

The following is a brief description of the quality and rulership of the Zodiacal Signs, their nature and character, whether fruitful (productive) or barren; dry or moist; masculine or feminine; fixed, movable or flexible; earthly, airy, fiery or watery.
CAPRICORN (December 22–31 and January 1–19). Earthly, feminine, movable, somewhat productive. Related to the knees, spleen, skin, hair, teeth, and bones. Planetary ruler is Saturn.
AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). Airy, masculine, fixed; inclined to be barren. Related to the calves, ankles, blood, nervous system. Planetary ruler is Uranus.

PISCES (February 19–March 20). Watery, feminine, flexible, fruitful. Related to the feet. Planetary ruler is Neptune.

ARIES (March 21–April 19) Fiery, masculine, movable. Tends toward dryness and barrenness. Related to the head, brain, and face. Planetary ruler is Pluto (Mars).
TAURUS (April 20–May 20). Earthly, feminine, fixed. Is moist and productive. Related to the throat, nasal passages and neck. Planetary ruler is Venus.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21). Airy, masculine, flexible, barren. Related to hands, arms, shoulders, collar-bone, lungs, and nervous system. Planetary ruler is Mercury.
CANCER (June 22–July 22). Watery, feminine, movable, very fruitful. Related to the breasts, stomach, and mouth. Ruler is the moon.
LEO (July 23–August 22). Fiery, masculine, fixed, barren. Related to the heart, sides and upper part of the back. Ruler is the Sun.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22). Earthly, feminine, flexible, barren. Related to the intestines bowels and solar-plexus. Planetary ruler is Mercury.
LIBRA (September 23–October 22). Airy, masculine, movable, semi-fruitful. Related to the kidneys, veins, loins, ovaries, and lower part of the back. Planetary ruler is Venus.
SCORPIO (October 23–November 21). Watery, feminine, fixed, fruitful. Related to sex organs and bladder. Planetary ruler is Mars (Pluto).
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). Fiery, masculine, flexible; considered barren. Related to the liver, hips, and thighs. Planetary ruler is Jupiter.

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