Northeast & New England Long Range Weather Forecast for February 15th to March 14th
Includes Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington D.C.
February 2025
12th - 15th
Clearing skies; blustery.
16th - 19th
Fair skies; good weather PresidentsÕ Day weekend.
20th - 23rd
Moderate-to-heavy snowfall MD, DE, most of NJ, southern NY & southern New England. Light amounts farther north.
24th - 28th
Fair, then unsettled with snow, rain.
March 2025
1st - 3rd
Wet, then clear and cold.
4th - 7th
Wet snow upstate NY, New England; snow & rain farther south.
8th - 11th
Stormy, then fair and very mild.
12th - 15th
Light snow New England; heavy wet snow and/or rain farther south, then fair.