Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec Long Range Weather Forecast for December 12th 2024 to January 11th 2025
December 2024
12th - 15th
Widespread showers, some heavy rain.
16th - 19th
Rain or mixed precipitation, along with gusty winds.
20th - 23rd
Lingering showers of rain and (over the Laurentians) wet snow.
24th - 27th
Lingering showers of rain and (over the Laurentians) wet snow.
28th - 31st
The year ends on a blustery and colder note, with frequent snow showers and flurries.
January 2025
1st - 3rd
Nor'easter brings heavy rains, strong winds and coastal flooding.
4th - 7th
Brief spell of tranquil weather.
8th - 11th
Fast-moving clipper system delivers up to 8cm of snow to Quebec; wet snow and rain showers for Atlantic Canada.