Use the Signs for Best Days

In a recent blog I mentioned a Best Day for Fishing and other activities. A couple questions were posed about what this is all about. Many years ago before any form of communication helped people, activities were timed according to observations. These activities became connected with the position of Moon and the Sun.

It is believed that the Moon has greater force during certain parts of the cycle and less powerful at other times. Thus in early almanacs and continued today is a Best Days Calendar. This is found on our website and a longer listing in the Farmers’ Almanac (pages 86 -87). It is also part of our popular Planting By The Moon Calendar. Old-timers swear that if you follow these rules, it will you help live a more “orderly life.” Some of the signs pertain to the Zodiac, others to the moon or both in doing certain things.

The fact is I get hundreds of requests each month from people who remember a grandparent or elder telling them they should wean a child, plant a root crop, quit smoking or some other task according to the “signs.” This information has always been part of our publication. Can you do things outside of the “rules” – sure – but this information is based upon a tradition that the moon and sun impact our lives.

Recently, when I was putting a fence in at a friends house I made sure we did it during the time listed in the almanac because the dirt settled more firmly around the post. It was hard work made easier by using this calendar.

If you have never looked, check out our Best Days Calendar on the web or in the Farmers’ Almanac. Try using this as a guide to an organized life. You might just like it. The one activity I offer no advice is surgery. Hundreds of years ago, people bled to death during surgery. So, it was important to do it during a time when blood flowed less. Today it is not an issue and, with all the lawyers into the world, I don’t dispense medical advice.

If you use the signs, let me know how it works for you. What sign do you follow and what are the results? Have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Father’s Day to all Dads.

Farmers' Almanac - Weather forecasting
Peter Geiger

Peter Geiger is the Editor of the Farmers' Almanac. Read his full biography.

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Renee Martin

I’m having knee replacement in January. What is the date that the sign in the knees?

Last edited 26 days ago by Renee Martin
Jaime Fox

Hi! Thank you so much for this! I know some things to do or not do during some signs, but is there any resources that breaks down in detail each sign and their particular associations? I’ve been looking, and haven’t really found anything to completely satisfy me. I’ve found breadcrumbs here and there, but I would really love to learn more in detail. My great grandparents started teaching me when I was little and I’ve carried that with me, but they’ve long since past. I live on our now 6th generation property. I feel connected here and am trying to learn more about it all. My grandaddy would joke around saying that his daddy came up with a Bible in his right hand, and an almanac in his left. Haha But thank you again! I really appreciate the article, and I would be so humbly blessed if you or someone could point me in the right direction so as I may better understand.

Farmers' Almanac

Hi Jaime, thank you for sharing your story and interest with us. Our calendars are pretty complex and take many factors into consideration for various tasks. Please let us know if there is a particular activity that you are looking to understand more about and we will do our best to break it down for you!

Shonda Garrett

What is the best sign to get teeth pulled


I am having hip replacement , when is the best time to do this?


I’m getting spinal surgery the 18th of July it’s in ophiuchus is that bad?

Anna Pritchett

When is the best time to wing a calf from it mother

Anna Pritchett

I am using the Farmers Almanac to stop any bad habits and I have done this before, any where from the knees to the feet is good for these days, can you provide these days for me please 🙏 I think it’s from Capricorn to Prices


June 21-27 is good for knees through feet. Best of luck! You can find more here:


I/We have done practically everything imaginable through thorough investigation and application of “best days” and it genuinely WORKS!!! I have learned to simply let my wife know what I intend to do and the desired goal and let her tell me when… even the most seemingly innocuous or trivial thing can benefit from this knowledge and using it. It’s like MAGIC!
(We educated a cosmetologist/aesthetician friend of ours. She tracked her work/clients and now she and her clients swear by it- such that her entire work schedule is dramatically different -openly referencing best days!


When is the best time to potty train my granddaughter


This Memorial Day weekend is a great time! Our Best Days calendar has specific days for success in Potty training. Good luck!


What day is best to have cataract removed june and july 2024


Is the 22nd of May OK for abdominal hernia repair


Did you have surgery? I need it too!


What day in July is best for eye surgery?


When is a good time to potty train a boy?


today! when the signs are in the legs


I need shoulder replacement surgery soon, What dates in March and April should I avoid?


I am having a DBS device implanted in my head for Parkinson’s. When should I have the done ? During waning or waxing of the moon in March?

Michelle Fleisch

Your comment was the 1st I saw….my daughter recently had DBS surgery!


I have a friend who is having hand surgery in January 2024 & I’m having a difficult time telling her when she should have it done in that month


I am having hip replacement on Nov.17 th. is that a good day for me.

Anita Engle

I am having an oblation on my heart would Nov. 6,2023 be a good day?

Cindy wright

I am to go in for a hernia operation. What dates are the best for me


Did you get it done? I need it also! How did it go?

Jan Welborn

What is the best time to do surgery, I have to have a hip replacements.

Cheryl Smith

My grandmother always said to use the sign when potty training or breaking your baby from the bottle. When does the sign go in the knee and out the ankle next?


Hello, when is the best signs and dates for teeth extractions?


We do not dispense any medical advice or medical recommendations, and always suggest you follow your doctor’s advice and recommendations regarding surgery. That being said, I can share with you some folklore regarding the timing of surgical procedures. It has been said that people believe that to encourage faster healing you should have procedures when the zodiac is in the sign of the affected area and during a declining moon. We do have a zodiac calendar on our site (for a year out for our members) which will show which areas of the body are affected, and as always a Moon Phase calendar

Annette Davis

In 3 months to have hip replacement?

Theresa Howard

Best time to have knee replacement in feb or march 2023


We do not dispense any medical advice or medical recommendations, and always suggest you follow your doctor’s advice and recommendations regarding surgery. That being said, I can share with you some folklore regarding the timing of surgical procedures. It has been said that people believe that to encourage faster healing you should have procedures when the zodiac is in the sign of the affected area and during a declining moon. Farmers’ Almanac has planning calendars for both of these things! Best of luck to you!


Horse Castration in January best dates, knees or below


When is the best time in November/December 2022 to stop drinking soda?

Larry Gibson

Needing shoulder surgery when would be the best time

Kimberly Graham

Knee surgery-When is best time to have knee surgery in December 2022


When is a good time for knee surgery in October 2022?


When is the best time for surgery on my ovaries (getting out a tumor) in July?


Sorry to I was late in seeing this. I was brought up to have any procedures during the sign that is furthest away from the sign (time) you’re actually in. I e…. If you’re having dental work, the procedure date should be in the body part as far away from the mouth as possible. If the signs are in the mouth, wait as long as possible if you want less pain, bleeding etc.

This has worked so many times in my family. You can find the signs in the almanac on pgs 224-225.

I’d be interested to know how your procedure went and how far apart the signs were and how you think you did.



Hi Tammi I was wondering about signs for surgery my aunt always went by the almanac and she’s no longer with us but I’m scheduled to have full hysterectomy on April 4 2023 and I’m not sure how to tell if this a good time for me or not how do I find out or could u help me figure it out thanks Tamara


What is the best time in June for heart surgery?


What is best time for hip surgery in June 2022

Ruth Rose

Surgery should be when the moon is new. Never have surgery during a full moon. Full moon causes too much bleeding to happen.


When should my daughter have her wisdom teeth removed according to the farmers almanac in March or April of 2022?


When is the best time for foot surgery in January, 2022


When is best time for knee surgery in this month of December, please?

Sherron Hileman

I am having shoulder surgery December 2021. What are my best days for surgery?

Sherron Hileman

I am having shoulder surgery December 2021. What are my best days?


I’m having gallbladder removed. When are the signs below the hips?


I’m planning on having hip replacement
Nice 10- or 11
I couldn’t find the chart that shows if this was a good day or not???

Shelley Becker

I have to have surgery on the right side of my neck. The doctor said the cancer is contained. It’s very large and was told the surgery will be long. When is the best days in June and July to have surgery?

Shelley Wigham

My Dad use to cut his pigs by the signs- the other farmers wanted to know why he never lost any livestock when they did, he told them he followed the Farmers Almanac and the signs to take care of animals!

Susan Higgins

Great news! Thanks for sharing!

Lori Hightowee



I was always taught to have a procedure done when the sign was as far away from that body part as possible or going out of it. I had my wisdom teeth cut out using the signs and my recovery was very short .

Shelley Wigham

We always check the signs before surgery- yes as far away as possible and good results! (Of course a good doctor helps too!)


So would June the 9th be a good day for surgery on your face?

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