
Farmers’ Almanac astronomy provides the best times to view meteor showers, full moons, facts about planets and stars, plus more!

How To Celebrate The Harvest Moon

How To Celebrate The Harvest Moon featured image

Full Moons are mysterious, magical, and important ways to mark the passage of time. Each month, the Farmers’ Almanac celebrates the monthly full Moon noting their traditional and alternative names (Sturgeon Moon, Beaver Moon, Harvest Moon, etc.). Most of these names come from the Algonquin, a Native American peoples that once inhabited large areas of

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Parade Of Planets 2022

Parade Of Planets 2022 featured image

In case you missed the Parade of Planets with the Moon in June 2022, here is a beautiful record of the event. This photo was taken on June 24, 2022 at 4:35 am: Thank you to Scott Readman and all of our readers who shared photos of this spectacular celestial event on Facebook (and Instagram).

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One Time Only: Rare Memorial Day Meteor Shower!

One Time Only: Rare Memorial Day Meteor Shower! featured image

You will not find this meteor shower on our annual list, yet there's a chance it will be the very best display of the year! After Memorial Day fireworks are over, continue gazing toward the sky for rare meteors due to enter Earth's atmosphere that night (or the following night). The circumstances for producing a shower of this kind are rather unique, making this a brand-new, one-time only event! Read on.

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The Next Lunar Eclipse: Night Of The Red Moon!

The Next Lunar Eclipse: Night Of The Red Moon! featured image

A total eclipse of the Moon will take place on Sunday, May 15, 2022. (See exact times below.) The event will be visible in North and South America and may be seen without binoculars or telescopic equipment—even through the haze of a big cities! Unlike an eclipse of the Sun, no eye protection will be needed. Read on.

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