
Can I Feed My Dog People Food?

Can I Feed My Dog People Food? featured image

What if you're out of dog food ... can you feed your dog people food? Which foods are OK to share with Fido and which ones should be avoided? Play it safe and check out these lists first!

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Why Do Cats Love Cantaloupe?

Why Do Cats Love Cantaloupe? featured image

Why do so many cats like to eat cantaloupe? The answer may surprise you! Many Farmers’ Almanac readers like to share stories and photos of their adorable pets with us on Facebook. Often times, they include funny activities and quirky food habits! The single food item that comes up most in the “bizarre things cats eat”

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Natural Ways To Combat Fleas

Natural Ways To Combat Fleas featured image

When you're opting to go chemical-free, it's hard to find a flea treatment that actually works. Try these natural flea remedies to rid your home and pets of these parasitic pests!

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