Can It Really Rain Cats and Dogs?

Dog - Cat

We all know that it isn’t possible for the clouds to open up and hurl household pets to the Earth. So why does the English language include this oddity? We explain.

Lightning Kills, Play it Safe!

Thunderstorms with a purplish hue striking lightning over a well lit neighborhood.

Each year, lightning kills tens and injures hundreds of people in the US. Here are some tips to help keep you and your family safe. Lightning: The Statistics According to the National Weather Service, lightning kills an average of 24 people per year in the United States and hundreds more are injured. There are an

The 10 Worst Weather Cities

Yesterday I shared with you our top 10 Best Weather Cities and today we have flipped the coin and look at what might be considered the worst weather locations in the USA. Since I live in Maine, cold temperatures, rain and snow is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, many people commented when we

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