Zodiac Zone: Meet Capricorn

Capricorn - Astrological sign

Capricorn is the tenth constellation of the zodiac. Its name is the Latin word meaning “horned goat.” Learn more about this sign.

Fascinating Saturn Facts

3D Rendering of Saturn with ring.

Though remote from the Earth, Saturn’s unique ring system makes it possibly the most instantly recognized planet in our Solar System. Learn more about “the ringed planet.”

Hydra: The Great Serpent

Constellation - Sky

Though not the most well known constellation in the night sky, Hydra, the sea serpent, is the longest of the 88 officially recognized modern constellations.

Zodiac Zone: Meet Leo ♌

Leo - Astrological sign

Leo is the fifth constellation of the zodiac. Its name is the Latin word meaning “lion.” Learn more!

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