Why Are They Called Long Johns?

why are they called long johns?

Ready for winter? Don’t forget the long johns, that important layer against the cold. But where did they come from and who are they named after? Find out in this “brief” history of long underwear.

Equinox and Solstice—What’s The Difference?

Spring Equinox - Equinox

Solstice. Equinox. These are words that we hear at the start of each season. We greet spring with the arrival of the vernal equinox in late March, and we welcome winter with the arrival of the solstice in late December. But aside from marking the transition from one season to the next, what exactly do

Review of Winter Weather 2017-2018

Snow - Stock photography

Who can forget last winter? As we get ready to release our 2018-19 winter weather outlook, we thought we’d take a look back. How did we do with last year’s forecast?

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