Indian Winter?

Old world flycatchers - Farmers' Almanac

Is Mother Nature “fooling” us this spring? When will April get warmer?

Weather by Caterpillar?

Caterpillar - Isabella tiger moth

Read what folklore says about this fuzzy little critter and the winter ahead! Can we forecast weather by caterpillar?

20 Signs Of A Hard Winter Ahead

A squirrel with a nut in his mouth foreshadowing a hard winter ahead.

Before there were weather apps for your smartphone, people looked to nature to prepare for what’s to come. What signs of a hard winter are you already seeing in your backyard?

Fun Snow Facts and Trivia!

Real snowflake with dark background.

For some areas, it’s time to break out the snow shovel. Here are a few facts to think about when you clear the driveway.

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