Meteor Showers

Read our articles on meteor showers and discover the best viewing times over the course of the year.

One Time Only: Rare Memorial Day Meteor Shower!

One Time Only: Rare Memorial Day Meteor Shower! featured image

You will not find this meteor shower on our annual list, yet there's a chance it will be the very best display of the year! After Memorial Day fireworks are over, continue gazing toward the sky for rare meteors due to enter Earth's atmosphere that night (or the following night). The circumstances for producing a shower of this kind are rather unique, making this a brand-new, one-time only event! Read on.

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Perseid Meteor Shower 2024: Why It’s The Best Display

Perseid Meteor Shower 2024: Why It’s The Best Display featured image

Do you like shooting stars? If so, mark your calendars for August 11-13, when you’ll have the best chance of seeing the annual Perseid Meteor Shower (pronounced PER-see-id). The Perseids are usually considered to be one of the best meteor showers of the year! What’s in store for 2024? Read on! What Is The Perseid

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How To See The Taurid Meteor Showers 2023

How To See The Taurid Meteor Showers 2023 featured image

Curious when to catch a shooting star during the Taurid Meteor Shower 2023? We tell you everything you need to know! Have questions after reading our article? Ask us in the comments section below! Three separate meteor showers occur during the month of November: The South Taurids, the North Taurids, and the Leonids. What Are The

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When Is The Orionid Meteor Shower 2024?

When Is The Orionid Meteor Shower 2024? featured image

Love shooting stars? Then you’ll love the Orionid Meteor Shower 2024. We explain everything you need to know! Have questions? Let us know in the comments below! What Are the Orionids? The Orionid Meteor Shower, the second meteor shower of October, peaks during the early morning hours of October 21-22 each year. Why are they

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Lyrid Meteor Shower

Lyrid Meteor Shower featured image

This month, the annual Lyrid meteor shower is active from April 14-25 but will peak in the early morning hours of April 23! Why Are They Called the Lyrids? The radiant point of this shower is near the bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra the Lyre (or Harp), hence the name “Lyrids.” But you don’t need

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The Famous Leonid Meteor Shower 2024

The Famous Leonid Meteor Shower 2024 featured image

Learn when and where to catch a shooting star in the late-November Leonid Meteor Shower 2024! Here’s everything you need to know … How To Catch A Shooting Star The famous Leonid Meteor Shower will reach peak activity in the early morning hours of November 16-17, 2024. Details For The Leonid Meteor Shower 2024 The

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