
Parade Of Planets 2024

Parade Of Planets 2024 featured image

Are you ready for the Parade of Planets 2024!? Early-risers, keep your eyes peeled for Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, and even the dwarf planet Pluto which will be in the sky at the same time before sunrise from June 24-July 4, 2024. Also, you’ll be able to watch the Moon pass by each planet

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Rare Sky Event! Parade of Planets 2023

Rare Sky Event! Parade of Planets 2023 featured image

Catch a glimpse of a rare sky event on Monday, March 27, 2023. Use binoculars and look west approximately 20 minutes after sunset to see five planets, the Moon, and a beautiful star cluster known as Messier 35 (M35). Celestial objects will appear in the following order from left to right: M35, Mars, the Moon,

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Visible Planets – When and Where to View

Visible Planets – When and Where to View featured image

Ever look at the Moon and see a bright star shining beside it? Chances are it’s a planet (usually Venus or Jupiter). Farmers’ Almanac teams up with expert astronomer Dean Regas for this go-to guide to tell you which visible planets are shining tonight (or tomorrow morning) and which direction to look. Spot the five

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