Home & Living

How To Save Money On Gas This Winter

How To Save Money On Gas This Winter featured image

Did you know that as temperatures drop, your vehicle’s fuel consumption increases? A decrease in temperature from 75 to 44 degrees can lead to a 12 to 28 percent rise in fuel usage. Cold air is denser, causing increased drag on your car. Additionally, wind speed tends to be higher in the winter, further boosting

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Superfood Lattes – What are they? And can you make them at home?

Superfood Lattes – What are they? And can you make them at home? featured image

Superfood lattes are a trend that has cracked open the hot-drinks market and are quickly gaining steam. Unlike traditional lattes which are usually made with a spot of espresso and frothed milk, superfood lattes come in an assortment of flavors and pack a nutritional punch. Health-packed lattes made their mark years ago, most commonly as

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Boost Your Immunity with Fermented Garlic Honey

Boost Your Immunity with Fermented Garlic Honey featured image

Garlic honey may not make your mouth water with anticipation, but once you read about its powerful health benefits you may decide it’s worth a taste. Independent of each other, both honey and garlic contain powerful antioxidants that help keep your body’s immune system strong, as well as boost your brain health, protecting it from

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