Backyard Ducks For Beginners

Farmers' Almanac - Garlic

Thinking about raising ducks? We highlight the ideal breed that is not only great for pest control but has many characteristics that make it perfect for the backyard gardener or small farmer.

What are Easter Egger Chickens?

Silkie - Egg

If you’ve been thinking about raising chickens, consider Easter egger chickens which are known for producing a rainbow of colored eggs. Check out these colorful egg layers. Easter Egger Chickens Easter egger chickens are a mixed-breed chicken with delightful, amusing personalities that many people add to their flock due to the fact that they lay eggs

How Much Do You Know About Eggs?

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Where do supermarket eggs come from? Are brown eggs better? Is free-range better than pastured? We help you sift through all the terms.

Classic Deviled Eggs

Deviled egg - Egg

Deviled eggs are the perfect go-to appetizer and everyone’s favorite. If you’re looking for a classic recipe, this is it!

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