Composting: Beyond the Basics

Compost - Soil

Like many other seasoned gardeners out there, you may be wondering “How can I make really great compost?” Try these expert tips!

Purple Carrots, Anyone?

Stock photography - Vegetable

Happy International Carrot Day, a day to celebrate everyone’s favorite root veggie. Whether you enjoy purple, orange, yellow, or red, carrots are a great source of nutrients. Learn how to grow them in your own back yard.

How to Start a Flower Garden

Flower - Garden

Flowers add color, beauty, and cheer to yards and landscapes everywhere. Here are some good tips on how to get started.

The Meaning of Rose Colors

Colorful roses, aerial view.

With so many roses in different colors, it’s hard to know what each one means. We help you sort it out so you send the right message this Valentine’s Day.

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