What Is A Cornucopia? Meaning, Symbolism, And How To Make One!

A horn of plenty with food spilling out.

The cornucopia is a ubiquitous symbol of abundance, especially around Thanksgiving, starring in centerpieces on bountiful tables across the land. But where did the “horn of plenty” originate? A Thanksgiving cornucopia has a much longer, more elaborate history than you may imagine. Learn more about cornucopia meaning and symbolism here. Plus, learn how to make

20 Best Travel Hacks

Travel - Vacation

Taking a trip this holiday season? Here’s a list of our best travel hacks. Don’t leave home without them!

What The Heck Is Marzipan?

Marzipan with nuts.

In Germany, there are life-sized statues made of this sweet almond confection. But what is it and how is it made? Read on!

What The Heck Is Mincemeat?

Mincemeat on table.

Learn the history behind this traditional holiday food and how to make it yourself with our easy-to-follow recipe!

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