Garden Pests: Groundhogs

Muskrat - Groundhog

Groundhogs are cute, but they can be destructive to your lawn and garden. Learn a few tips to send them packing!

Household Pests: Bats

Bats - Flight

Bats are great to have around, until they take up residence inside your home. Learn how to evict them easily, and without harming them.

Black Bears: How To Avoid Run-Ins

Bears - American black bear

Spring means black bears are active and hungry. It’s important to understand their motives, habits, and behavior. Here are some practical strategies to avoid run-ins with these animals.

7 Ways To Pet-Proof Your Garden

Cat planting autumn flowers

Are neighborhood cats using your flower garden as a litter box? Is the family dog digging up your carrots? Check out our top tips for keeping pets out of gardens.

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