Zodiac Zone: Aquarius ♒

Aquarius is the eleventh constellation of the zodiac. Its name is the Latin word meaning “water bearer.” Learn more!

According to astrology, the Sun resides in the house of Aquarius from January 20—February 18 each year. Aquarius is the Latin word meaning “water bearer,” represented by the symbol ♒ (two waves stacked upon each other). Read on to discover facts and folklore about this complex constellation and unconventional astrological sign!

Learn more about each zodiac sign.

The Aquarius Constellation

Aquarius is the eleventh constellation of the zodiac, located between Capricornus and Pisces. (Note: Zodiac is a term used by astronomers and astrologers alike, but sometimes there is a difference in spelling between the constellation and the astrological sign. For instance, Capricornus is the name of the constellation whereas Capricorn is the name of the astrological sign. Learn about the difference between astrology and astronomy.)

There are 97 stars in Aquarius, the brightest of which are often depicted as a man pouring water out of a large vessel. Seven Aquarian stars have planets orbiting them, including Gliese 876, the first planetary system found around a red dwarf star. The system contains four planets, including one terrestrial planet about seven times the mass of Earth.

Aquarius also includes three Messier Objects, bright deep sky objects identified primarily by French astronomer Charles Messier during the 18th Century: the globular clusters Messier 2, Messier 72, and the open cluster Messier 73. Two other famous objects—the Saturn Nebula and the Helix Nebula—are also visible.

Nearby constellations include Pegasus, Equuleus, Delphinus, Aquila, Piscis Austrinus, Sculptor, Cetus.

Aquarius Folklore

Associations With Rivers, The Great Flood, And Service

Aquarius was one of the earliest constellations to be identified, and consequently plays a role in a number of very old myths. Because the waters flowing from the bearer’s vessel are often depicted as rivers, it is often associated with the “Great Flood” story told across varied ancient cultures.

It is also commonly associated with the fifth of Hercules’ Twelve Labors, cleaning the Augean Stables. The disgustingly filthy stables, which housed over 1,000 head of cattle, hadn’t been cleaned in decades, but Hercules was able to clean them in less than one day by simply rerouting the Alpheus and Peneus rivers through them.

The constellation is also said to be Ganymede, an unnaturally handsome young Trojan kidnapped by the god Zeus to serve as cupbearer to the gods on Olympus.

Character Traits of Aquarians

People born during this period have Aquarius as their Sun sign. Proponents of astrological determinism believe that people born under the same Sun sign share certain character traits. Aquarius people are most often described as:

  • Friendly
  • Honest
  • Loyal
  • Unconventional
  • Inventive
  • Independent
  • Intellectual
  • Altruistic
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Aquarius In Pop Culture

You may recall the popular song by 5th Dimension, “Age of Aquarius.” Listen below:

Join The Discussion

What is one of your favorite things about Aquarius?

Are you an Aquarian? Do you believe in the character traits listed above?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Jaime McLeod

Jaime McLeod is a longtime journalist who has written for a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites, including MTV.com. She enjoys the outdoors, growing and eating organic food, and is interested in all aspects of natural wellness.

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Ron McGill

Jan 30th, 1963. Wouldn’t change my birthday for any other. So as we think, so shall the world be in 50 years.


My maternal grandfather, mine and one of my granddaughters birthdays are on February 11th

David Fiske

I am Aquarian! and the traits described are accurate


I was born February 14th, 1959, at 5:44 P.M. I have been a night person my whole life and was just wondering if there have been any studies done on the time a person is born that might make them a morning or night person?

Diane Mayzurk

January 21, 1948, 8:48 pm

kevin Woodall

Feb 2nd 1964

Tammy Forde

Feb 4th 1974

Samuel Bluhm

February 9th 1985 at 7:34 p.m.

Wendy bora

Birthday is January 29, 1954

Last edited 2 years ago by Wendy bora

Hello fellow lady Aquarian. You are 3 days my senior, give or take a few hours or so! February 1, 1954. I’m comfortable in my Aquarian “skin.” Hope you are enjoying life!


well, you are born 3 days after me! I don’t know the time because they told me, ‘they got the day!’

Shawna Hampton

@ time

Angela Chrzan

I was born January 20,1978
Am I Aquarius or Capricorn?




January 20 – February 18 = Aquarius


Aquarius. My birthday is January 20th also.


February 8,1961

Silas Jack

Feb. 10th, 1962 10:30pm


of FEB


Mine is the 18th


Feb. 8,1972

Martie Helmling

February 9, 1970 @ 2:35am

Samuel Bluhm

What up birthday brother

Martie Helmling

February 9, 1970



Debbie Bigrigg

Mine is today

Kenneth Shapuras

Mine is January 22

marcelle spano

this is so cool, my birthday is january 28th 1952.

Mike Mitchell

I’m 1/29/56. Aquarius Sun sign in Western Astrology. However, that method is inaccurate and can be many degrees off. The Solar calendar has to be adjusted for accuracy every 2 yrs. Vedic Astrology uses the Lunar calendar, my Sun is in Capricorn, Moon in Leo, with Libra Ascendant. They would say I’m a Leo.

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