
Farmers’ Almanac astronomy provides the best times to view meteor showers, full moons, facts about planets and stars, plus more!

Passover, Easter, And The Paschal Full Moon

Passover, Easter, And The Paschal Full Moon featured image

The Paschal Full Moon is the first full Moon after the spring equinox. The Paschal Full Moon is significant because it determines which date Easter falls on each year. For this reason, Easter is a movable holiday, occurring anywhere from late March to late April. When Is The Next Paschal Full Moon? In 2025, the

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Celestial Ceres

Celestial Ceres featured image

Long before Pluto, another spherical chunk of rock and ice in our Solar System was given, and subsequently stripped of, planetary status. Learn about Ceres.

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Petite Pluto

Petite Pluto featured image

It may have had an identity crisis for a while, but Pluto is a planet again, and it's pretty interesting. Learn more!

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