Canadian Farmers’ Almanac Forewarns of Frosty Flip-Flop Winter Ahead

Canadian Farmers’ Almanac Forewarns of Frosty Flip-Flop Winter Ahead featured image

From the weather archives, old Farmers’ Almanac weather forecast. Lewiston, ME: A hot summer with some extreme temperatures across Canada has many dreaming of cooler temperatures. Right on cue, the Candian Farmers’ Almanac is releasing its much-anticipated 2021-22 winter weather outlook that has its own set of extremes, earning it a “frosty flip-flop” moniker that

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Farmers’ Almanac Forewarns of Frosty Flip-Flop Winter Ahead

Farmers’ Almanac Forewarns of Frosty Flip-Flop Winter Ahead featured image

From the weather archives, old Farmers’ Almanac weather forecast. Lewiston, ME: As the nation is immersed in a summer wrought with weather extremes, many find their thoughts drifting to cooler temps. Right on cue, the Farmers’ Almanac is releasing its much-anticipated 2021-22 winter weather outlook that has its own set of extremes, earning it a

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The Big 20

The Big 20 featured image

The 2014 edition is managing editor Sandi Duncan's 20th edition. Time sure does fly. . .

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