Buck Moon Horoscopes — July 2024

Get ready for the astrological Blue Moon coming your way on July 21, 2024! That’s right, July’s full Buck Moon is swinging back around for a powerful second act in Capricorn (the same zodiac sign as June’s full Moon). Make the most of this special moment with our Buck Moon astrology report, curated for Farmers’ Almanac by internationally renown astrologer Kyle Thomas.

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Buck Moon Astrology

The Buck Moon will reach peak illumination on July 21, 2024, at 6:17 a.m. Eastern time (though you may see and feel its influence from July 18-24). Astrologically, this full Moon will occur in Capricorn (29 degrees). Interestingly, last month’s full Moon also occurred in Capricorn. This second helping of a similar energy provides a unique opportunity for sustained personal insight. Think back … what is one significant conversation or event that occurred in your life between June 19-25? See if you recognize a new development or evolution along the same lines toward the end of July.

Having two back-to-back full Moons in the same zodiac sign is quite rare, happening roughly every 2.7 years (similar to an official Blue Moon). The next time we will experience two sequential full Moons in the same zodiac sign are in 2027: A full Moon in Scorpio (0 degrees) on April 20, 2027 will be followed by a full Moon in Scorpio (29 degrees) on May 20, 2027. (Fun fact: Two back-to-back new Moons will occur in Virgo on August 23, 2025 and a solar eclipse in Virgo on September 21, 2025.)

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign known for ambition, fame, public life, and longterm legacies. On the opposite side of the zodiac wheel is Cancer, which aligns with home life, domesticity, and the past. (See illustration below.)

Full Moon Horoscopes represented by a zodiac sign wheel with Cancer and Capricorn highlighted.
July full Moon 2024 astrology falls along the Cancer and Capricorn polarity.

3 Aspects To Consider

1) The Full Buck Moon links beautifully with the planet Mars, bringing passion, courage, and a desire for action. Likewise, Uranus brings positive changes and surprises. You may be eager for adventure, spontaneity, and change. Embrace the excitement to carve out your own path and build toward your goals. 

2) This full Moon kisses Neptune, bringing an imaginative, spiritual, and emotional energy. You may find yourself craving connection and sensitivity.

3) Finally, this lunation is exactly united with Pluto, the planet of transformation, which may bring intense experiences, desires, and feelings for us to face. Be brave and dig down into the heart of matters. If you do not, you may miss a great opportunity to release what is not serving you as you ascend to the next chapter of your life. 

The planets are all in a vast dance at this time, so even if you find hurdles are thrown in your direction, take a graceful step backward, pivot, and refocus. Take a moment to brainstorm how you can build toward your great legacy.

Full Buck Moon Astrology by Zodiac Signs

Here is a quick guide for how you may be affected by July full Moon 2024 in astrology from July 18-24. (Find your birthday in the date ranges below to read your personal horoscopes.)

Special Notes: Remember to look back at what occurred during last month’s full Moon (June 19-25, 2024) as you will likely see a “second act” appearing now. Also, review your plans from around mid-January 2024 (when the new Moon was in Capricorn). Did you make any new year’s resolutions that could use more fuel now?

♈ ARIES March 21 – April 19

Get ready for another big spotlight when it comes to your professional life, Aries. You’re certainly seeing big wins and turning points in career matters this summer. While previous work is likely to pay off now, you can also be strategic with this full Moon’s energy. 

A promotion, new job, or otherwise favorable recognition may present itself. If you feel like you’d still like to climb the professional ladder, consider how you can reach higher now.

♉ TAURUS April 20 – May 20

The universe has been encouraging you to pursue new horizons, Taurus. This is certainly evident once again now. No matter where you stand in your life, it is as if you’re ready to climb another mountain and peer further than ever before. This could bring a win around any level of expansion, whether that’s mental, physical, or spiritual. 

Consider travel now. Legalities could also tip in your favor at this time. Get involved in communities and open up your perspective of life.

Zodiac sign symbols.

♊ GEMINI May 21 – June 20

You’ve been feeling a stronger pull to understand where you truly stand in your relationships, Gemini. This urge to merge will be quite strong at this time once again. If you need to hash out details with a significant partner, go for it and you could find that you’re able to connect more intimately and build your trust. 

On a different note, large money matters could be on the table, such as assets, investments, an inheritance, or payout.

♋ CANCER June 21 – July 22

Relationships are back on your mind at this time, Cancer. You’ll be eager to know exactly where you stand with an important person in business or love. 

On a positive note, if your connection is healthy, you’ll have a chance to grow closer, such as making long-term promises, moving in, getting engaged, or tying the knot. Yet, if you’re not aligned, you’ll be walking separate ways.

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♌ LEO July 23 – August 22

Your summer is certainly busy and this will be ever present in your life now, Leo. You’re juggling a million irons in the fire—routines, responsibilities, projects, and your health. 

You could be polishing off a big endeavor for your job or moving from one employer to the next. If you’d like to find a better job or pick up clients, go for it. On a different note, you could see progress around health or fitness matters if you prioritize them.

♍ VIRGO August 23 – September 22

It’s likely that you’re deeply focused on your heart’s desires once again, Virgo. You could feel like your passions are ignited! This full Moon once again draws attention to what makes you happy, such as romance, dating, fertility, children, creativity, sports, or hobbies. 

This is a major moment for singles to put themselves out there—a soulmate could be looking just for you!

♎ LIBRA September 23 – October 22

Despite your normal social energy, you’re feeling a bit more nostalgic and emotional at this time, Libra. The full Moon is drawing your attention to your foundation. In a more specific sense, this often causes situations around your domestic life, family, home, or real estate to be reviewed. 

You may need to step in for a relative or are in the process of moving, renovating, or redecorating.

♏ SCORPIO October 23 – November 21

The winds are pushing you in vast new directions, Scorpio. This full Moon is stimulating your curiosity about the world and encouraging you to learn and open your perception. 

This is a great time to connect with others, travel, or work on communication-related endeavors.

♐ SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21

Once again, you’ve got money on your mind, Sagittarius. The full Moon is attracting attention to your finances, budget, and income and expense. Review them with a fine-tooth comb and you could brainstorm new strategies. 

If looking for a new job, this could tip things in your favor.

♑ CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19

The world is in your palm, Capricorn. Having two back-to-back full Moons in your zodiac sign is a blessing indeed! You have more power, authority, and sway at this time, so assert yourself. This is when you have more strength on your side to manifest your desires. 

A big project, relationship, or endeavor could be reaching culmination.

♒ AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18

Despite your eagerness to parade forth and build your life, you’re being encouraged to lie low, rest, and recharge once again, Aquarius. This isn’t a bad thing, though, because you’ll be back on track in no time! 

This is a great period to reflect on the past and what you’ve learned. You could be developing projects behind the scenes now, as well.

♓ PISCES February 19 – March 20

Celebrate life, Pisces! The universe is a big party for you now! You could be attending events, connecting with communities, or even volunteering. 

Expanding your network and linking up with friends will fill you with so much joy. Also, brainstorm your greatest aspirations now and you could find a path is open to one of them.

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FA Astrology

Farmers’ Almanac Best Days and Gardening By The Moon calendars are based on the celestial positions of the Sun and Moon. Likewise, this Full Moon Horoscope is grounded in astrological concepts.

We hope these Full Moon Horoscopes inspire you! Happy Buck Moon … and astrological blue Moon!

Kyle Thomas, an expert astrologer.
Kyle Thomas

Kyle Thomas is an expert astrologer who writes for The New York Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Marie Claire, Elite Daily, Bustle,and more. He has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC and ABC television. Kyle is globally recognized as a "celebrity astrologer" for his guidance of well known actors in Hollywood and prominent business executives, but he also loves sharing his comic insights with everyday people. His work explains how astrology influences lifestyle and trends worldwide. Learn more about him at KyleThomasAstrology.com.

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