Beaver Moon Horoscopes — November 2024

November’s Full Beaver Moon astrology calls for extreme intensity and shocking events. Learn why that is and how you may be affected, according to your zodiac sign, in this special report curated by expert astrologer Kyle Thomas.

2024 Beaver Moon Astrology

Astrologically, the Full Beaver Moon occurs in Taurus (24 degrees) and reaches peak illumination on November 15, 2024 at 4:28 p.m. Eastern time (1:28 p.m. Pacific). But you may feel its energetic influence from November 12-18, 2024.

Jump to Beaver Moon Astrology by Zodiac Signs
With the Sun swimming through Scorpio from October 22-November 21 each year, you may find yourself feeling a bit more intense and emotional. Any full Moon during Scorpio season appears on the opposite side of the zodiac wheel: Taurus. See our illustration below.

Zodiac sign symbols.

Taurus is an Earth sign ruled by Venus and Scorpio is a Water sign ruled by Mars and Pluto. These opposites oversee themes of power, money, and intimacy.
Taurus relates to income, resources, possessions, worth, value, and sensuality. While Scorpio resonates with wealth, assets, investments, transformation, and intimacy. They balance each other quite nicely. However …
Beware, the Full Beaver Moon—the fourth and final supermoon of 2024—may be the most chaotic and shocking full Moon of the entire year. Expect conversations and situations to come out of left field and cause events to spiral out of control. You may find yourself feeling tremendously tense and anxious as if something could “explode” at any moment. It is best to lie low, not stir the pot, and not be impulsive in any way because accidents and drama could occur.
This feeling is largely due to the full Moon being sextile Neptune, and trine Pluto, which is known to bring tremendous intensity. (If you have any questions about astrological terms, please ask us in the comments section at the end of this article.) To say this is a time of great change and transformation is an understatement.
Venus, the planetary ruler of this lunation, is square the North Node (point of destiny) meaning everything occurring during this time is fated in nature, in our lives and on the global stage. 
Your mind may feel scattered as Mercury will be opposite Jupiter, bringing big thoughts and proclamations but also a tendency to blur, ignore, and exaggerate facts and ideas. To make matters worse in this regard, Mercury is directly square Saturn, bringing a tendency to feel depressed, frustrated, and down around certain conversations, too. 
Mars will still be opposite Pluto, foretelling a charge into battle and may even elicit ruthless, competitive, or violent behavior. The outer planets will be in a vast entangled dynamic, revealing that major structures and transitions are evolving not only in our individual lives but also on a global scale. Prepare for a whirlwind across the board.
Speaking of whirlwinds … have you seen our Winter Weather Forecast 2024-2025?

Full Beaver Moon Astrology by Zodiac Signs

Here is a quick guide for how you may be affected by the November full Moon 2024 in astrology, particularly between the dates of November 12-18, 2024. (Find your birthday in the date ranges below to read your personal horoscopes.)
Note: In the week that surrounds this lunation, be sure to look back to what was happening in your life after the new Moon in Taurus (18 degrees) from May 8, 2024. Similar conversations, experiences, and situations may greet you once again!

♈ ARIES March 21-April 19

Expect a big shift when it comes to your finances, Aries. The upcoming full Moon is going to encourage you to dig deep into your money, possessions, and resources. On one hand, this could aid you in monetizing more through a new job offer, a raise, lucrative client, or a fresh side hustle. 
However, you could also be focused on tackling an expense if it pops up.

♉ TAURUS April 20-May 20

Prepare to stand in your power now, Taurus. A major turning point, ending, culmination, or spotlight moment is here for you. All eyes will be turned your way! 
Assert yourself and command your way forward and the world will meet you. A major goal, project, or dream could also be nearly in the palm of your hands!

Zodiac sign symbols.

♊ GEMINI May 21-June 20

The universe is encouraging you to “hold your horses,” chill, and relax, Gemini. This is a great period to treat yourself to a spa day. However, if you’re feeling a bit fried and burnt out, you may want to consult with a healer, therapist, or counselor to give you some tips on how to better handle your life and responsibilities.

♋ CANCER June 21-July 22

Get ready to celebrate life now, Cancer! The universe is encouraging you to let loose, mix, and mingle! You may now be attending a fabulous event or mixer or even connecting with many special friends. Online dating could also go well for singles! 
If you need a favor from someone, ask and it may be granted!

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♌ LEO July 23-August 22

Prepare to focus on your ambitions and career now, Leo. The full Moon could be bringing you a big win depending on how hard you’ve been working. Some of you may see a promotion, new job offer, award, or favorable press. 
If you’d like to move your career in a new direction, seize the day.

♍ VIRGO August 23-September 22

The universe is filling you with a desire to chase the sunrise, Virgo. No matter where you stand, you’ll be eager to find somewhere new that can open up your perspective on life. 
Travel, academics, and spirituality could be fulfilling now!

♎ LIBRA September 23-October 22

It’s time to focus on your wealth, Libra. Assets, investments, or large money matters could be on the table. Some of you could be bringing more in, while others are paying off big debts. 
If you need to apply for a line of credit, go for it!

♏ SCORPIO October 23-November 21

Get ready for a make or break moment in relationships, Scorpio. A powerful turning point could be upon you. If you’re in the right connection, you may now be taking things to the next level: moving in, making promises, signing contracts, getting engaged, or beyond. 
However, if not, you could be realizing it’s time to hash it out or part ways once and for all.

♐ SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21

You tend to be able to have a bit of everything when you want it, Sagittarius, but the full Moon is telling you to “get down to business.” 
You may now be cranking along on big projects, taking new ones or new clients on, or moving from one job to the next. Finding a solid work and life balance now would be ideal. Something could also be popping up in regards to your physical health, so if that’s the case, talk with a doctor, dietician, or fitness trainer.

♑ CAPRICORN December 22-January 19

Passion will be a paramount concern now, Capricorn. Get ready to dive into your heart’s desires! Romance, dating, sex, and love could be especially satisfying. If single, this is one of the most important periods in the year to put yourself out there! If you have children, a special moment could pop up, or if seeking to have children, a door may now open. 
If you wish to pursue creativity, art, hobbies, or sports, you may find success now.

♒ AQUARIUS January 20-February 18

The time has come to address your domestic life once again, Aquarius. The universe is encouraging you to take a spotlight to home and family concerns. Some of you could be in the midst of a move or watching someone come and go from your place. Renovations or changes to design may also be here for you. 
However, if for some reason you need to step in to aid a parent or family member, you could be quite emotional about it.

♓ PISCES February 19-March 20

Embrace your ideas now, Pisces. You could be polishing off some big ones to see how they land with an audience of your choice. For instance, you could be making social media content, handling a work proposal, or even writing a blog. 
People could be more open to your thoughts if you pitch them now.

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Happy Beaver Moon!

Kyle Thomas, an expert astrologer.
Kyle Thomas

Kyle Thomas is an expert astrologer who writes for The New York Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Marie Claire, Elite Daily, Bustle,and more. He has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC and ABC television. Kyle is globally recognized as a "celebrity astrologer" for his guidance of well known actors in Hollywood and prominent business executives, but he also loves sharing his comic insights with everyday people. His work explains how astrology influences lifestyle and trends worldwide. Learn more about him at

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