Move Over Ketchup, Mustard Is Becoming The Condiment of Choice

How healthy is mustard? Is there really a Mustard Museum? Learn more about this popular condiment and check out some tasty recipes.

Reportedly the world’s fastest-growing condiment, the mellow yellow mustard with which we all grew up is growing up itself.  Once the bland bastion of ballparks, backyard barbecues, or the spread-of-choice for the lunchbox bologna-and-white bread sandwich (pass the chips, please!), gourmet brands are exploding with robust flavors and heartier textures. In fact, they’re finding their way into all manner of appetizers, salads, main dishes, breads— even cocktails and desserts!

And with over $500 million in annual sales, it’s no wonder there’s a special day set aside for this condiment: National Mustard Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of August. 

A Mustard Museum?

At the National Mustard Museum in Middleton, Wisconsin, nearly 5,600 mustards from all 50 states and more than 70 countries are available for viewing, some for tasting, and many for purchase. Incepted in 1986 with only a dozen varieties, the museum features everything from “sweet hot” to herb to fruit-infused mustards from all parts of the globe and plays a key role in the region’s National Mustard Day celebration.

Be sure to read more about the Mustard Museum’s Live Streaming Celebration for Mustard Day on August 1, 2020.

Mustard for Healing?

According to historical accounts, the Chinese, Greeks, and practitioners of Ayurvedic  medicine have used mustard seeds for centuries as a healing herb, aiding in the resolution of gastric and digestive issues, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica (for its anti-inflammatory properties), and to treat chest colds and coughs  in the form of mustard plasters made from seed pods. Some have even gone as far as to say that prepared mustard is a helpful treatment for minor burns.

Mustard’s Health Benefits?

Modern mustards contain ground turmeric—usually for color. Part of the curcumin family, turmeric is said to help treat cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, allergies, arthritis and other chronic diseases. Today’s more adventurous varieties have added bacon bits, sweet or hot peppers, caramelized onions—even dried cranberries. Coarse, creamy, fruity, fragrant, nutty, grainy, pungent or mild, contemporary mustards are used in creative cuisine to infuse foods (and drinks!) with palate-piquing flavor.

Whatever your predilection, these mustardy recipes will add fun and flavor to your meals.

Easy Baked Salmon with Mustard Sauce


2 lbs. salmon fillet
2 cups mayonnaise
½ cup Dijon or grainy mustard
Parmesan cheese, grated
Fresh parsley, chopped


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix mayonnaise, mustard, and parsley together and spread evenly over fish. Mixture will be thick. Sprinkle with paprika and parmesan cheese. Bake for about 45 minutes. Note: mixture on top increases cooking time, but be sure to check fish for doneness as it may require a little less or a little more time. Serves 6-8.

Honey Mustard Cream

(yes –mustard for dessert!)


1 envelope (1/4 oz.) unflavored gelatin
2 tablespoons dry mustard
1 teaspoon grated orange peel
2/3 cup honey
1 1/2 cups plain nonfat yogurt
1 cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
thin orange slices


In a 1 1/2- to 2-quart pan, mix gelatin and mustard. Stir in 1/2 cup cold water and the grated orange peel. Let stand about 5 minutes, then stir over high heat until boiling, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat.

Whisk in honey, yogurt, cream, and vanilla until smooth. Pour mixture equally into 6 custard cups or soufflé dishes (6 oz. size). Chill until firm, about 3 hours.

Garnish desserts with orange slices and serve; or cover tightly and chill up to one day, then garnish.

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Beth Herman

Beth Herman is a freelance writer with interests in healthy living and food, family, animal welfare, architecture and design, religion, and yoga. She writes for a variety of national and regional publications, institutions, and websites.

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