Practice Kindness

In our 1995 edition we ran a very special campaign recognizing people for doing good deeds. Twenty-five years later, it's still a good "way to go." Take a look!

In our 1995 edition, we ran a story that encouraged people to not only perform acts of kindness but to also recognize these acts. Today, as we navigate through this very difficult, physical-distancing time, acts of kindness are more important than ever. Below is what we originally ran in our 1995 edition – Editors

Practice Kindness

Have you ever experienced the unsolicited goodwill of another person, but were too busy, too hurried to thank the person for his/her good deed?

In today’s busy, impersonal society, in which we’re always on the go, always in a rush, we sometimes overlook the importance of showing our appreciation. We forget to take the time to thank the cashier who goes out of his/her way to help you find apple juice; we overlook a waiter or waitress who scrounges up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for your finicky three-year-old; and we fail to recognize the employee or co-worker who comes in early and stays late to get a job done.

Among our hectic lifestyles, people everywhere continue to make time to lend a helping hand. They go above and beyond to help a friend, stranger, or family member. These acts are generally performed out of the goodness of the person’s heart, without any self-satisfying reason or motive. While these deeds might be as simple as volunteering to run to the store for a sick friend, lending a shoulder for a family member to cry on, or giving directions to a stranger, they are acts that mean a lot to the recipient and the human race.

To encourage good deeds, we need to positively reinforce people for their acts of kindness. We have to make people feel appreciated and wanted. Business executives everywhere are just beginning to realize the importance and benefits positive reinforcement has in the workplace. As a result, they are initiating all types of programs that reward employees for their dedication, good work, and commitment to quality. But how do we as a society show our appreciation for the acts of compassion people show one another?

Many organizations recognize individuals as well as groups for outstanding community service, dedication to a non-profit organization, good citizenship and so on, but there is no award that recognizes the little deeds that mean so much. Every day these unsolicited deeds of goodwill go unnoticed. While good “deeders” don’t expect awards or national recognition, the editors of the Farmers’ Almanac believe that it’s time to let these people know that their deeds are appreciated!

Way To Go!

In the past, the Farmers’ Almanac and its editors have battled for many good causes, including a 1985 crusade for “Hugs, Not Drugs,” a call to return to pride in workmanship in 1978, and many more. When your editors believe something could be done better, we let everyone know. And this year is no different! As part of an international crusade, we are designating 1995 as the “Year to Catch People In The Act of Doing Good Deeds!” and introducing a catchy three-word phrase that says it all – “Way To Go!”

While it’s proper to say “thank you,” we believe that “Way To Go!” captures your enthusiasm and gratitude even more effectively!! We are proposing that next time you catch someone in the act of lending a helping hand, that you thank him or her by saying “Thanks, Way To Go!” You can also personalize “Way To Go!” to highlight a specific deed. For example, if a neighbor lends you a cup of sugar so you can finish making a birthday cake, you might say “Way To Go! You’ve saved my day and my cake!” The person will feel appreciated and you too will feel good inside for recognizing that person’s act of helpfulness.

Read about the Cajun Navy – Ordinary Citizens to the Rescue!

Is there someone to whom you said, or want to say, “Way To Go”? Share your stories with us in the comments below!

Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!

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Shirley Weihing

The neighbor to the west gave me some fresh sweet corn. The one to the east tomatoes. I appreciated both


I experienced a ruptured aneurysm several years ago. We have a party to thank all those who support us through the year. This year, we are trying to figure out the logistics for safe distancing. I thought instead of a BYOB, it will be a BYOT&C (bring your own table and chair). It’s really fun to acknowledge the folks who truly help!

Christine Dodd

I recently took a box of exam gloves to the local hospital here in Parkersburg WV and donated them. I had ordered two boxes and decided to donate one of the boxes because I know that hospitals are always needing supplies. It wasn’t much but it felt good to be able to do something to help in a small way.

GeraDessiel Simon

Celebrating your kindness in having a “door” open for inspiring kindness!!
In the apartment building,on the third-floor,a real lady-neighbor has had various surgeries-now uses a walker,and though there is an elevator in the building,some of the garbage she collects is much more than she can bear. Beside asking me to help her with The Library of Life-The Bible,I ask her if she has someone else to help with the garbage,and if not,she is always relieved I can do it!
It really is more Blessed to give-especially of ourselves,just as GOD,Who so loved He gave,and His Son keeps giving-through us!

Sandi Duncan

Thanks for sharing. Kindness always wins.


Shopping in the market a stranger overheard me talking to my son that I just needed toilet paper. He tried to direct me to a secret stash on the top shelf but by the time I got there 2 other men were scrambling for them. When I came back to my basket, he saw I didn’t get any and offered me one of his. I graciously accepted and I WON’T forget what he did. So Very Kind, especially when toilet paper is in such demand. THANK YOU KIND GENTLEMEN…

Sandi Duncan

Nice! So glad to hear about small gestures that mean so much especially during this time.

Christine Dodd

We all are dealing with this cronoavirus epidemic and our first responders and medical professionals are running low on supplies to protect themselves and their patients. I know of a young lady who I know personally and lives in my home state of West Virginia. She volunteered to make handmade masks for the Ritchie County Fire Department in West Virginia. The Ritchie County Fire Department is a volunteer Fire Department and there are those like them who rely on the community for assistance when the call goes out. The lady’s name is Norma Davis.

Sandi Duncan

Thank you and Norma for her generosity, kindness, and time! There are good people and kindness in the world and we need more of that.


Life is as a friend of mine just to me that I felt was great of a train that lets U on when U are born and how U travel after that!! It says of the passengers that U meet along the way and some can be very nice and others easily forgotten!! Life is and always been that way and in time and at some point, it will be your turn to also leave said train and to this I fully believe it can and will happen!! I have now been on this train for over 70+ years and for now I think and feel that I am right now on my very best part!! I do I hope plan to stay on this train for quite a while longer!! No, that choice is also not mine!! However the longer that I can be here and help a few others is very much on the fun side especially at Birthdays and Holidays!! I have a lot of fun making some guess what is on my mind at certain times and to me that is for the best of fun!! Yes for certain in time I too will have to leave this train, but soo too will all of the other Passengers!!!

Sandi Duncan

Awesome! Enjoy your ride Paul!

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