Recycling: How Much Do You Really Know? Test Your Knowledge

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Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

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Christine Santee

The questions were alright, but I think a real test of the practical application of what to recycle and how to recycle would be more fitting to an audience who would take the time to test their knowledge. For example:where to recycle corks from wine, cooking oil and other bottles; batteries; paint cans; old clothing unfit for charities; used shoes; used outdoor rugs; plastic coated ice cream bar wrappers; when to wash an article before placing it in a recycle container;old pillows. Thank You, Christine Santee

Susan Higgins

Hi Christine, we have some good information that you might find helpful.
Recycling clothes unfit for donation: Can You Really Recycle Clothes?
Recycling unusual items: Yes, You Can Recycle These 5 Unusual Items!

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