July Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts

Welcome July! This month brings the height of summer’s radiance (for those in the Northern Hemisphere) and symbolizes sunny strength. Lush gardens, outdoor gatherings, laying chickens, camping, and all sorts of outdoor gatherings. Farmers’ Almanac invites you to discover delightful July birth month symbols: flowers, stones, zodiac signs, herbs, bird of the month and more! We hope these, along with the July fun facts will help you splash into the Dog Days of Summer. Share your thoughts (and photos) in the comments, and let’s revel in this month of strength together.

July Birth Month Symbols

July birth month symbols bring bravery and power. The July birth flower, larkspur, represents lightness of spirit, while the July birthstone, ruby, inspires motivation, encouraging you to step into action and seize the day! Cancer and Leo serve as the month’s zodiac guardians, carrying protection and courage to those born during this month. The eagle, July’s bird of the month, soars high in the sky with strength and freedom. Parsley and this month’s healing herbs are associated with freshness and vitality, adding even more meaning for those born in this month.

June birth flower, rose, which symbolizes love.

July Birth Month Flower: Larkspur

July’s birth flower, larkspur, has a tall, single stalk, typically in purple-blue, white, or pink shades. Beyond its beauty, butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds love this nectar-rich flower, making it a beautiful addition to any garden.

Larkspur is associated with lightness of spirit, a bright feeling often associated with summer. According to Greek mythology, the first larkspur plant sprouted where Ajax the Great fell during the famous Battle of Troy.

Roman legends attribute the formation of larkspur to the sea god Neptune, who transformed an endangered dolphin into the flower to protect it, which gave the bloom its characteristic shape. The perennial version of larkspur, delphinium, means ‘dolphin’ in Greek, referring to how the buds appear before it blooms. Learn more about larkspur.

July Fun Facts:

  • Larkspur’s towering heights make them great for layering and are often planted in the center of flower beds or used to add height to the rear of beds. They can also make a beautiful border and are a favorite in cottage garden designs to create a lovely, tiered effect with other blooms.
  • In China, larkspur is believed to be a lucky flower, particularly associated with the Year of the Dragon. (Incidentally, July is also considered to be a lucky birth month for Dragons.)
June birthstone, pearl.

July Birthstone: Ruby

The ruby is a vibrant and fiery gemstone, perfect for commemorating a hot summer birth month. In Sanskrit, ruby is called ratnaraj, which means king of gems. Rubies not only look regal, but they have also represented royalty for centuries and are even the key gemstone used in British coronation rings. This July birthstone’s red fluorescence allows it to glow in sunlight and candlelight, making it striking gem from sun-up to sun-down. 

Known as the “gem of motivation,” the ruby is believed to connect one with their passion for life. It signifies wealth and protection and has also become a symbol of love and commitment. Associated with blood and the power of life, rubies were worn as protection against harm and evil. In many cultures, they are believed to bring fortune and promote courage. Ancient Hindus believed that those who presented rubies to the god Krishna were granted rebirth as grand emperors. Learn more about ruby.  

Related product: July Birthstone – Onyx Necklace

July Fun Facts:

  • For hundreds of years, other red gems, such as garnet and red spinel, were all considered rubies. It wasn’t until about 1800 that the ruby was found to be a variety of corundum.
  • Burma (Myanmar) produces the majority of the world’s rubies.
  • The name Ruby has been around for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 19th century that it became a popular baby name. In 2023, Ruby is ranked as the 85th most popular name for baby girls in the United States.

July Colors: Coral And Yellow

Other than the obvious symbolic colors of red, white, and blue for the month of July, this month’s color theme is also coral and yellow—fitting colors for the hot and carefree days of summer. 

Coral captures the essence of summer and adds vibrant splash. This invigorating color embodies love, gentleness, and warmth. Think of beach parties and citrus fruits. Yellow is an energetic and cheerful color, symbolic of the hot July Sun and sweet lemonade.

July Fun Facts:

  • The word coral was first used to describe a color in 1513 to represent the color pink-orange hue of cnidarians, a precious coral.  During the 1970s, there was a trend for orange and pink colors, making coral tones quite popular in fashion, beauty, and interior design.
  • Taxis and school buses are yellow because the color is highly visible. In fact, when stop signs were first introduced in the US in the 1920s, they were painted yellow and black (the red dye at the time faded too quickly).
June's full Moon, the Strawberry Moon.

Full Buck Moon

July’s full Moon is referred to as the “Full Buck Moon.” It is named after the male deer (bucks) antlers which peak in July. Other Native American tribes called the July full Moon “Raspberry Moon,” because of the abundance of the wild berries, “Salmon Moon,” indicating the return of salmon after spawning season, and “Thunder Moon” because of the frequent thunderstorms in summer.

In Celtic, this Moon was known as the “Wyrt Moon” or “Herb Moon” since July is the time to gather herbs (or wyrts) to dry and use as spices and remedies. The Anglo-Saxons called it the “Hay Moon” after the hay harvest in July. Learn more about the July full Moon.

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July Fun Facts:

  • For Hindus, the “Guru Full Moon” (Guru Purnima) is celebrated as a time for clearing the mind and honoring the guru or spiritual master and is observed on the full Moon day (Purnima) in the month of Ashadha (June–July) according to the Hindu Calendar.
  • The Anishinaabe referred to July’s full Moon as “Halfway Summer Moon,” marking the midway point of summer. 

Zodiac Signs: Cancer And Leo

Two zodiac signs associated with the June birth month: Cancer and Leo.

Gemini zodiac sign represented by twins Castor and Pollux.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancers are described as nurturing, emotional, and intuitive. The emotional heart of the zodiac, Cancers are often extremely nurturing. Symbolized by the crab, they are soft and vulnerable on the inside, hiding their sensitivity behind a tough exterior. The most nurturing of the zodiac signs, Cancers are very perceptive in regards to relationships, ideas, and motivations and can often find solace from connecting with higher power, often seeking some form of religion or spiritual practice.

Cancers are one of the most loyal in the zodiac, going to any means to help someone they love and will stand up for their beliefs. These crabs may initially seem standoffish, but once they decide to open up, you will have a friend for life. Cancers are easily overwhelmed by large social gatherings and are not a fan of small talk. Crabs can occasionally come off as intense or volatile, but underneath they have a funny side, with a wry sense of humor. Artistic and creative, Cancers benefit from outlets, such as reading, painting, or playing music.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

The fifth sign in the zodiac, Leos are proud, courageous, and ambitious. This fire sign is a natural leader of the zodiac, symbolized by the lion. These bold and intelligent trailblazers are set to defeat injustice, making a name for themselves along the way. Leos often have high self-esteem and have no problem proudly praising themselves for a job well done. They put in the work worthy of a leader and are willing to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty along with the team. 

Energetic and warm, Leos thrive in social situations and their personal magnetism helps them make friends easily. Leos are passionate and generally great partners, known for grand gestures and outward displays of affection. They can come across as arrogant and have no qualms about putting themselves first, easily turning down plans if they don’t fit their agenda. However, if a Leo is hanging out with you, it means they truly want to be there. These lions love adventure, travel, socializing, however they also seek downtime to achieve a balance in life. 

July Fun Facts:

  • As a cardinal sign, Cancers are natural leaders with ambition and adaptability. Ruled by the Moon, those born under this sign are considered to be highly attuned to their own feelings and the emotions of others.
  • Ruled by the Sun, Leo is the most generous sign of the Zodiac. They are charismatic and driven by the desire to be loved, often finding themselves in the limelight.
July fun facts and symbols represented by herb of the month, parsley.

July Herbs of the Month

It is common belief that herbs are related to specific zodiac signs. Specific herbs are thought to possess traits that highlight each zodiac sign which can be beneficial and help with healing. 

According to this belief, particular herbs are thought to complement the positive attributes of those born under specific signs, or to help alleviate predicaments they may encounter.

Cancer herbs (June-July): Lavender’s tranquil and calming properties makes it an ideal herb for Cancers. This popular and fragrant perennial plant is a member of the mint family, with over 450 different varieties. A beautiful addition to any garden, English lavender, French lavender, and Spanish lavender are the most widely cultivated species. For centuries lavender has been cultivated for culinary, aesthetic, and medicinal uses. 

Lavender gets its name from the Latin verb lavare, meaning “to wash,” because of its popularity in baths for cleansing the body and spirit. Today Lavender is a popular addition to soaps and shampoos. Lavender essential oil also has calming properties when inhaled and has been shown to reduce anxiety and aid in sleep. In ancient times, lavender flowers were commonly sewn into sachets to help the sleepless.

Blooming from early spring to late summer, lavender thrives with ample sun and proper drainage. Commonly found along pathways or around seating areas in gardens, lavender is compatible with almost any plant. Bees, butterflies, and other beneficial pollinators love lavender, while unwanted pests such as deer, rabbits, and mosquitos are repelled by it. Please note: Lavender contains a small amount of linalool, which is toxic to dogs and cats.

Leo herbs (July-August): More than a pretty garnish, parsley symbolizes freshness, vitality, and purification—perfect for those born in July. This quintessential green herb belongs to the Apiaceae family, along with carrots and celery, and is recognized for its unique flavor profile and nutritional benefits. Native to the rocky Mediterranean, its name comes from the Greek word, petroselinon, meaning “rock celery” since it thrives on rocky cliffs. 

There are more than 30 varieties of this biennial herb. The more popular and stronger flavored “flat” leaf (Italian) parsley is most commonly used for cooking, while the milder “curly” leaf variety is often used as a fancy garnish. Available fresh or dried, parsley is a popular addition to soups, sauces, pasta, veggies, meats and fish. It is generally added towards the tail end of the cooking process to retain its flavor and nutritional benefits. Parsley was originally added to plates as a way to freshen breathe after meals, due to its high amounts of chlorophyll, which is highly effective at removing onion and garlic odors.

In addition to freshening up savory dishes, parsley is valued for its medicinal properties, being high in vitamin A and C and iron. It has been known to treat digestive issues and improve circulation.

Since it grows back so quickly after being cut, parsley is known for purification and renewal, clearing away past obstacles and signifying new beginnings. Its bright green, feathery leaves also represent freshness and vitality. It is also a symbol of protection with its fragrant leaves once used to ward off evil and its seeds planted to symbolize a fresh start.

Parsley also symbolizes prosperity and success and is commonly used in ceremonial dishes to bring good fortune. In ancient Greek and Roman culture, sprigs of parsley are placed on tables during weddings to symbolize fertility and fortune for the newlyweds. Ancient Greeks made funeral wreaths from parsley, while they crowned their heroes and loved ones with garland and crowns made from this herb. Ancient Romans also crowned their victorious athletes with this aromatic herb.   

July Fun Facts:

  • Make your own soothing lavender satchels by stripping off lavender buds and tucking them in little cloth bags. Tuck them under your pillow or in your dresser drawers for a calming, relaxing aroma.
  • Although most gardeners plant parsley annually, it is actually a biennial plant, meaning it takes two years to complete its life cycle. If you leave your plants in the ground in the autumn, the roots will usually survive the winter and regrow again the following spring. Just cut the plants down to a few inches above the soil line. In the second year, the parsley will flower, set seed, and then die after producing seeds. You can harvest the seeds for planting new parsley plants, or remove the flowering stalks to encourage continued foliage growth for a short time, but the leaves will eventually become bitter.
July fun facts and symbols represented by bird of the month, eagle.

July Birth Month Bird: Eagle

The eagle, a soaring emblem of strength, courage, and freedom, perfectly embodies the spirit of those born in July. Like the eagle, they possess quiet confidence, take flight with majesty, and inspire those around them.

The Bald Eagle is one of the National symbols of the United States, an honor granted in 1782. The Bald Eagle gets its name from the old English word “balde” which does not mean hairless, but ‘shining white,’ noting it distinctive white head that makes them easy to spot from a distance. The Golden Eagle, more widely found, is also found in North America.   

July Fun Facts:

  • Eagles can spot a rabbit running three miles away. Hence the term “Eagle Eye.” While most humans have 20/20 vision, eagles are blessed with an incredible 20/5 vision. That means that what we can see at five feet is just as clear to an eagle from 20 feet away. An eagle’s eyes are also strategically placed on either side of its face, giving it nearly panoramic vision.
  • In the Bible, the eagle is regarded as a sign of mercy and divine power, revered for strength and swiftness.  

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What Does “July” Mean?

The month of July is named after the Roman dictator Julius Ceaser, who developed the Julian calendar, which was used before the Gregorian calendar used today. The month of July was named after him after his assassination in 44 B.C. July is the first month to be named after an actual person and not a deity.

July is the seventh month in the Gregorian calendar, containing 31 days and is the second month of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In the old Roman calendar, July was called Quintilis, Latin for the fifth month of the year, because the year started in March. The Roman ruler, Numa Pompilius gave the calendar a lunar makeover in 700 BCE and added January and February to the calendar, making July the seventh month of the year.

July Fun Facts:

  • In Latin “Julius” was spelled “Iulius.” In the 1600s, the initial “I” in words were changed to “J” by the French; which is how “Iulius” became “July.”
  • The Anglo-Saxons referred to June as June and July as Liða, an Old English word meaning “mild” or “gentle,” which referred to the period of warm, seasonable weather either side of Midsummer. To differentiate between the two, June was sometimes known as Ærraliða, or “before-mild,” and July was Æfteraliða, or “after-mild.”

Fourth Of July

In the United States, July 4th is celebrated as Independence Day, which commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This document declared the thirteen American colonies as independent from Great Britain, and it marked the beginning of the United States as a new nation. The Continental Congress actually declared its freedom from Great Britain on July 2, 1776. However, an official document explaining this move to the public wasn’t published until two days later, on July 4, 1776.

John Adams believed that the correct date to celebrate American independence was July 2nd, and would reportedly turn down invitations to appear at July 4th events in protest. It is believed that there are an estimated 200 original copies of the Declaration of Independence printed, but today there are only 26 known copies floating aroundToday we celebrate this federal holiday with parades, fireworks, barbecues, and other festivities.

July Fun Facts:

  • It is common to wear American flag printed clothes, particularly around the fourth of July. However, the US Flag Code (adopted by Congress in 1942) states that “the flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.” The American Legion interprets this rule as referring to an actual flag, not a fabric pattern that looks like a flag and says that people can express their patriotism by wearing an article of clothing that happens to be red, white, and blue with stars and stripes. The Flag Code is not enforceable by law.
  • John Hancock was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence. His bold signature was so memorable that his name became synonymous with the word (as in, “Let me get your John Hancock.”).

See more Fourth of July Fun Facts.

July Weather Lore

For centuries, people’s livelihoods, especially farmers and sailors, have relied on lore to predict changes in nature, such as weather patterns. July is a month rich with such weather folklore sayings. One popular saying this month is “Knee-high by the fourth of July” which was used to measure the success of their corn crops. A lesser-known saying is “When dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass.” There is actually scientific truth behind this old adage. 

Seeing sparkling grass in the morning? It’s a good sign! Clear skies at night let the ground lose heat, like a cold can sweating.This cool ground makes tiny water droplets from the air form on the grass, called dew. Clouds act like a blanket, keeping the ground warm at night, so no dew forms. Dew often means a clear and sunny day ahead, but keep an eye on the weather forecast just in case! See your regional forecast now.

Some other July weather-lore that connects nature to patterns of weather are: 

  • If ant hills are high in July, winter will be snowy.
  • If the sky beyond the clouds is blue, be glad, there is a picnic for you.
  • When wind comes before rain, soon you may make sail again.

July Night Sky

The Summer Triangle is visible throughout the year, however it returns to its full glory every June and July. This three-cornered pattern will be visible in July’s Southern sky. The three “stars of summer” that make up this summer asterism are: Vega, Altair, and Deneb. Vega is the brightest of the trio and the fifth brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere. While all three stars seem to be equally bright in the night sky, looks can be deceiving. Vega and Altair lie relatively close to the sun, however Deneb is almost 100 times farther away (roughly 1,500 light years away). 

Dog Days Of Summer

Have you ever wondered how the hot and humid days of July and August became known as the Dog Days of Summer? This nickname has to do with stars, not puppies. The star, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky (other than our Sun) rises in the sky just as the sweltering days of summer are starting in the Northern Hemisphere. Since this star is part of the constellation Canis Major (“the Greater Dog”), these hot days became known as dog days. The constellation Canis Major is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere sky for 40 days each year between July 3 and Aug. 11, or the middle of summer.

This common phrase was coined in ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, thousands of years ago, who believed the Sun’s energy combined with the energy from Sirius and resulted in excessively hot temperatures. The name “Sirius” stems from the Ancient Greek word seírios, meaning “scorching.” 

July Fun Facts: 

  • Deneb’s equal apparent brightness and incredible distance away from Earth, classify this star as one of the most luminous stars in our Milky Way galaxy, almost 200,000 times brighter than the Sun! The star Deneb is the most distant star you’ll ever see with your eye alone.
  • Many people consider the entire month of August to be the Dog Days of Summer, but by the technical ancient Egyptian interpretation, they end by mid-August.

July Gardening

July brings the long steamy Dog Days of Summer, which means your gardens are blooming and you have extra daylight to give your gardens some extra TLC. By July most of your gardens are planted and you are starting to reap the rewards of your hard work. This month you can begin harvesting and succession planting warm-weather crops and planting cool-weather crops for a fall harvest.

  • Develop a consistent daily watering schedule, trying to water at dusk or early in the morning to reduce evaporation. Deep watering will encourage roots to grow deep.
  • Collect rainwater to use to water your garden.
  • If you go away on vacation this month, arrange to have someone water your plants, especially those in containers, or set up an automated watering system. 
  • Weed! This is the perfect time to keep weeds from making seeds now. Make a pass through each garden bed every week to pluck out any sprouting weeds.
  • Side-dress vegetable rows or individual plants with aged compost and additional fertilizer as needed.  
  • Deadhead blooms and prune back blooming perennials to keep them looking their best.
  • Harvest beetroot, peas, carrots, chard, potatoes, salad leaves, lettuce, tomatoes, turnips, kohlrabi, and zucchini this month.

  • The garlic and onions you planted last fall should be ready now (when the tops turn brown), saving the best of the small bulbs for planting next spring.
  • Avoid harvesting more rhubarb stems. Leave the stems in place to allow the plant to build up reserves for next year.
  • Start seedlings of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, calabrese, and cauliflower to transplant out into the garden in 3 or 4 weeks.
  • Later summer and winter salad crops, root crops, and spring cabbage can go into the garden this month. (Endive, Chinese cabbage, Asian greens, lettuce, mustard, spinach, bush beans, beets, chard, snap, snow and shell peas, and radishes.)
  • Continue to hill potatoes and dig potatoes when the tops die. Use grass clippings as a mulch around potato plants to stop tubers near the surface from turning green. Plant fall potatoes by the middle of the month.
  • Nip off the growing tips of squash and courgette plants to encourage branching.
  • Train cucumber stems upwards, tying onto a trellis or stake, to make the most of the space available.
  • Pick, dry and freeze herbs for use later in the year.
  • During the dry summer months, mow grass one-half inch higher than usual to help conserve soil moisture. Avoid mowing when the lawn is under severe drought stress. Lawns that become brown due to a lack of water will usually recover in the fall as precipitation increases.
  • Pull out annual weeds, such as crabgrass, before they go to seed.

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July Trivia

  • In the United States, July is National Ice Cream Month, designated by President Ronald Reagan in 1984.
  • Three US presidents died on the Fourth of July: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826—the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. James Monroe passed away five years later, in 1831.
  • The Tour de France, one of the most famous bicycle races in the world, typically takes place in July. Held over three weeks, this bike race is a grueling test of endurance, covering a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers (1,800 miles) across France and occasionally neighboring countries.
  • The first lunar landing, Apollo 11 Mission, launched on July 16, 1969. Four days later, on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by taking the first step on the Moon while declaring, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
  • July is UFO season. Crop circles start popping up in the month of July since the 1970s. In fact, July 2 is World UFO Day, as it marks the anniversary of the famous Roswell incident in 1947.

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Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

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Informative and entertaining! Once again, another brilliant article!! As a July baby, this really rang true!

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