7 Natural Tick Remedies That Work

Tick season is upon us. Try these natural and effective remedies and strategies to repel these nasty parasites without harmful chemicals.

Deer ticks and dog ticks are growing in numbers and concern. Not only are they a nuisance, they carry many dangerous illnesses including Lyme disease. According to the CDC there are over 300,000 estimated new cases of Lyme disease in the United States each year. Learn more facts and see our suggestions for effective natural tick repellents.

Different Types Of Ticks

There are many different types of ticks, each of which transmit different types of illnesses. 

Ticks are categorized into two types: soft (Argasidae) and hard (Ixodiae) ticks. With roughly 700 types of hard ticks and 200 types of soft ticks, only around 60 of those species of ticks actually bite and transmit diseases. Here are some of the most common types:

  • Deer tick (blacklegged tick) – Notorious for spreading Lyme disease and its co-infections. But the risk of developing these infections depends on several factors, including the type of tick and how long it was attached to the skin.
  • Lone star tick
  • American dog tick
  • Brown dog tick
  • Gulf coast tick
  • Rocky Mountain tick
  • Gulf Coast tick
  • Pacific Coast tick

In the unfortunate event that you are bitten by a tick and become sick, being able to identify which type of tick you were bitten by will give you a better idea of type of illness was transmitted to you. It is always a good idea to save the tick after you have safely detached it, to properly identify it and provide your doctor with additional information.

Types Of Tick-Borne Illnesses

Common types of tick-borne illnesses include:

  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Powassan encephalitis
  • Babesiosis
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Tularemia
  • Southern tick-associated Rash Illness

Tick Prevention

Prevention is the best way to avoid the devastating effects of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses.

Wear light-colored long pants and sleeves whenever you are outside in tall grass, among a lot of trees, or where you know ticks like to hang out. Tuck in your shirt and pull your socks over your pants for added protection. When you return home immediately do a tick check, paying particular attention to folds of skin, such as your underarms and between the toes and hair. Look everywhere. Deer ticks are very tiny and may not be seen if you check too quickly. Finally, throw your clothes in a hot dryer and take a shower.

One of the best ways to reduce ticks on your property is to keep it well maintained. About 82% of ticks found on lawns are within nine feet of the lawn’s perimeter, particularly if your lawn borders woods, stone walls, or leafy plantings. Ticks also don’t like dry and sunny locations. To minimize tick exposure on your lawn, create a landscape with more sunny areas and clearly defined borders. Adding wood chips or gravel between your lawn and woods and removing dead leaves and overgrown shrubs along the lawn’s perimeter can help keep ticks at bay. Planting tick repellent plants, such as lavender, rosemary, and marigolds, particularly around the perimeter can help deter ticks from your lawn naturally. If possible, consider employing tick eaters.  Chickens not only provide you with fresh eggs, they will peck aways at the ticks on your property. Guinea fowl are also great at eating ticks and rodents, while requiring little maintenance.       

Natural Tick Repellents That Work

Here are some natural and effective tick repellents that will help keep those nasty parasites away without having to resort to harsh chemicals:

1) Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar to the rescue … once again! Apple Cider vinegar has an acidic taste that ticks hate. 

The following solution can be sprayed on clothing and exposed skin—even lawn furniture: Combine two cups of water, four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and two tablespoons of organic neem oil. This spray works great on pets at controlling these menacing pests. Rub into pet’s fur after spraying. Be careful to avoid eyes, burns or damaged skin.

You may also make an apple cider vinegar spray with essential oils. Fill a spray bottle 1/3 of the way with apple cider vinegar. Then add 10 drops each of geranium, cedarwood, citronella, and lemongrass essential oils and fill the rest of the bottle with water. Shake well before spraying.

Ingesting Apple Cider Vinegar has also been known to repel ticks. Consider adding one teaspoon to your drinking water. (This method may even be safe for pets.)

2) Neem Oil

Neem oil is used as a natural remedy to repel and remove ticks. You may add several drops to the palm of your hand and rub on your exposed skin. However neem has a strong odor so many people choose to mask the scent by mixing it with almond or other light carrier oil. When diluted, it’s safe for dogs.

One common misconception is that you may apply a drop or two of neem oil directly on to a tick to remove one from you, but this is incorrect. Never put a substance directly to the tick if it is still attached to your skin. This may agitate the tick and cause it to force infected fluid into your skin. Only remove ticks with tweezers or a proper device, such as a tick key.

3) Aromatherapy Essential Oil Blend

Aromatherapy essential oils may smell great but they are also known to be natural tick repellents! Ticks hate the scent of lemon, orange, cinnamon, lavender, peppermint, and rose geranium so they’ll avoid latching on to anything that smells like those items. Any of these or a combination can be used in DIY sprays or added to almond oil and rubbed on exposed skin. We recommend using 100% certified organic essential oils in any of the above mixtures, which can be found online.

Note: Always dilute solutions before applying to your dog. For further reading on essential oils and dogs, check here. Essential oils are not recommended for use on cats. Please consult with your veterinarian about effective flea and tick control for cats.

Try this simple recipe. Just mix and apply to exposed skin before heading outdoors:

  • Citronella essential oil (9 drops)
  • Tea tree essential oil (6 drops)
  • Peppermint essential oil (6 drops)
  • Almond oil or jojoba oil (1 tablespoon)

4) Eucalyptus Oil 

Eucalyptus oil is known as an effective tick repeller and killer. It also has a citrusy refreshing smell! Mix 4 ounces of purified or distilled water to a small spray bottle along with 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. (Note: Eucalyptus oil must be diluted before application.) Shake before using and spray on your skin, pant cuffs, and shoes. Diluted eucalyptus is also safe for use on dogs. You may soak your dog’s collar overnight and let it dry to help ward off ticks.

5) Cedar Oil Spray

Cedar oil is a non-toxic, natural tick and insect repellent. It can be sprayed directly on clothing and skin. It is safe for use on humans and pets. Not only does cedar oil repel ticks and other irritating insects, but it kills them. Cedar oil spray can be purchased online and at most pet stores and big-box retailers. You can also make your own! Mix four ounces of distilled or boiled water, witch hazel, and 30-50 drops of cedar oil in a spray bottle. Add lavender or vanilla for a sweet for an additional sweet smell. Cedar oil spray can be applied to clothes, skin, as well as on plants.

6) Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has been found to be an effective insect repellent. Dilute a few drops of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, argan oil, or almond oil and rub on your exposed skin. You can also use it as a spray, by adding 5-10 drops of water into one cup of water and spray onto skin. A little spray bottle is easy to pack along on a hike or trip to the park. Respray every hour.

7) Safe Tick Repellents for Dogs – Tap Here

What To Do If You See A Tick On You

If you find a tick attached to your skin, visit the Center for Disease Control’s Website for more information for tips to remove ticks safely and next steps. (Not all ticks carry Lyme disease but finding one can still be unsettling.)

If you see a tick crawling on your clothing, or if you have ventured into a known tick-infested area, you should do the following:

  1. Grab the lint roller (take it with you on outings!). A sticky tape lint roller is excellent for picking ticks of any size off your skin and clothing. Carry one with you and brush it over your skin and clothes (and pet’s fur) periodically.
  2. Toss your clothing into a hot dryer for 10 to 15 minutes to kill any lurking ticks.
  3. Do a full-body check on yourself, family members, and pets. Brush your hair and jump in the shower. Rinse pets using the outdoor hose before heading inside.

Join The Discussion

Have you ever found a tick on yourself or a family member?

What are your favorite tick repellents or methods for prevention?

Share with your community here in the comments below!

Centers For Disease Control Website

Safe Insect Repellents For Dogs

7 Amazing Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar

Head - Ear pain
Deborah Tukua

Deborah Tukua is a natural living, healthy lifestyle writer and author of 7 non-fiction books, including Pearls of Garden Wisdom: Time-Saving Tips and Techniques from a Country Home, Pearls of Country Wisdom: Hints from a Small Town on Keeping Garden and Home, and Naturally Sweet Blender Treats. Tukua has been a writer for the Farmers' Almanac since 2004.

Head - Magnesium sulfate
Natalie LaVolpe

Natalie LaVolpe is a freelance writer and former special education teacher. She is dedicated to healthy living through body and mind. She currently resides on Long Island, New York, with her husband, children, and dog.

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Research is your friend

Wow! There is some VERY bad information in these comments. It’s almost so bad, if I was the author of this article, I’d turn the comments off. Here’s some TRUTH for those that care to learn:

– Garlic is NOT toxic in small amounts to dogs.

– DAWN dish soap IS toxic to pets (I wrote the company and they said they don’t recommend using it on pets)

– The vet prescribed pills and spot treatments, including Bravecto have injured or killed THOUSANDS of dogs. Heck, Bravecto has injured so many pets, there’s a Facebook group with over 50k members discussing it. There are groups for the others as well. You are putting a toxic pesticide on an animal that goes into ALL of it’s organs and it still has to be bitten by a tick in order to kill it. THINK about that.

– Whenever any of my pets have ever had a tick, I just immediately pull the darn thing out, flush it down the toilet (if inside) or break it’s head off from its body, if I’m outside. No running around like an idiot trying to find tweezers or whatever, just get the stupid parasite off immediately. There is a tick-borne disease in cats called ‘Cytauxzoonosis’ or ‘Bobcat Fever’ that has a 60% fatality rate, so check your area for that (you or your dog can bring a carrier tick in, so even house cats can be exposed). Check pets daily during tick season and watch for any signs in your cat if you remove a tick from them and are in the area where that disease is found. There are important protocols that must be met for survival, so look into them and be prepared just in case.

– A healthy animal is less likely to have parasites. That’s a FACT. If your pet is covered in fleas and/or ticks, it’s probably because it’s not overly healthy, you are keeping your grass in your yard too tall, you aren’t vacuuming your house often enough, or a combination of all of those. Crappy food, over vaccination (do your research!! It’s a big pharma scam to make money and it sickens our pets) and prescription meds all take a toll on your pets health. Your pet may look healthy, but obviously, if parasites find them irresistable, there’s your sign. I have multiple indoor/outdoor country pets and have never had a flea problem. I’ve taken in pets over the years that showed up that had them (as well as ticks), but as soon as I put them on a good diet and limit their exposure to toxins of all kinds (including multiple vaccines and any pharmaceutical meds), they are healthy and flea-free until they get up into their teens. Ticks are minimal as well as worms of any kind.

Prescription meds killed my dog and when I researched it, I found that it had harmed or killed thousands of other dogs and my vet conveniently never warned me that death was a possible side effect. It turns out, they RARELY do, no matter what they prescribe, including those seemingly harmless flea/tick meds and MANY others including pain meds and injections for itchiness and stuff. Only about 1% of those negative reactions/deaths even get reported because people don’t know to or realize it was the pill/treatment they just gave a few days or a week ago that killed/injured their pet.

My advice, if you are a pet owner, stop running to the vet for every little thing. There are a TON of things you can do to treat and protect yourself and your pets without using dangerous products, but you’ll actually have to do a little research. And here’s a good tip. BEFORE you put anything on or in your pet, do a search for “_______ killed my cat/dog” and see how many results pop up. That includes food like Blue Buffalo, Purina, etc. One death is too many for me after watching my perfectly healthy dog who only suffered from arthritis die a slow and painful death.

The regurgitation of “Garlic is deadly!” and “I use DAWN dish soap” information has to stop. It’s quick and easy to do a search and verify if what some yahoo on the internet said is true. Use your own discernment. And for the love of cake, DO SOME RESEARCH, join a group on Facebook, buy a book, etc. Educate yourself. Your family and your pet is worth it.


Are labradors prone to ticks ?

Debbie D

Tea Tree oil is highly toxic to pets

Marlenna Langford

HI I need to use a tick repellant on my composite deck, what do you recommend? I have vegetation on it in containers and lots of birds because we are alongside a hydro line. I want rid of the ticks, but not destroy my composite decking


I think it was pubmed I was reading today, if not, a similar authority, which said 30% essential oil to water, and you MUST add glycerin bc oil and water don’t mix. Nor do oil and vinegar. Glycerin acts as an emulsifier.


How much glycerin?

Michael Morrison

I spray my yard with half water and half hartz mtn flea and tick shampoo. Works great

S d

Does this do anything to harm the lawn or plants that it gets on?

Debbie D

Hartz is VERY dangerous. all store bought are dangerous. Use Cedar oil diluted with water..spray yard. …

kathy devos

concerned about ticks when hiking, don’t want to use chemicals. Your suggestions are great.

Susan Higgins

Hi Kathy, we’re glad you found the information helpful. Be sure to do a thorough tick check after every outing.


The CDC doesn’t recognize Lyme disease as an actual thing. It suggests a few weeks of antibiotics which is much shorter than the 30 day life cycle of the spirochete, leaving some people thinking they are free and in the clear from getting lyme , only to end of with a myriad of unexplainable health issues, many which mimic some of the severe longterm affects of covid 19–brain fog, fatigue, various organ issues ect. Tic bites can infect you within 10 minutes. Take optimal care when going in the woods


WTH, yes it does! But “chronic Lyme” is woo. A tiny minority of patients may have Post Treatment Lyme (PTLD) but not this lifelong infection that quack “Lyme Literate Doctors” peddle. People who test negative for Lyme and don’t live in areas with these ticks or the endemic disease are not infected yet these bloodsucking naturopaths, homeopaths and other unqualified hacks are “diagnosing” them with Lyme and prescribing drugs that increase bacterial resistance in the general population and can cause serious problems of their own. It’s a racket.


Lyme and Chronic Lyme is very real! Most physicians are not educated on this disease and if they are they do not want to get involved! They are bound by the CDC and IDSA guidelines to only treat for 14-28 days. The testing methods are also outdated and NOT reliable. The doctors who do treat aggressively are told they will loose their license if they do so! There is a very good reason why the Lyme Literate Doctors can not take insurance. They will properly treat the disease and save a person a lifetime of deteriorating health issues caused by ticks. People just don’t get it until they get it! It’s a horrible disease!

Margie W

I have pure peppermint oil. Can I mix with water and spray on my clothing..if so what is the ratio of water to peppermint oil

Robert H

As far as consuming garlic as a repellant,do you know of any recommendations for how much to consume?

Susan Higgins

Hi Robert, just a meal with garlic should be helpful. Cook up some scampi!

Joe Sanborn

Lots of good authentic Italian food

Susan Higgins

Yes! Garlic!

Jeannie Flores

Are there any plants you can put in your garden that repel ticks?

Jade O'Callaghan

carry them include rosemary, chrysanthemum, mint, lemongrass, sage, lavender, garlic, onions, marigold, petunias, brown-eyed susan and juniper.

Marlenna Langford

I have made a note of these to plant next season on my deck. This year i have tomatoes, peppers potatoes herbs etc., but I also have now ticks. Looking for a good solution for this season so I can sit on my deck without getting another tick attaching to me.

Susan Higgins

The ticks are out in full force this year. We have some good articles that might be of use:
To keep them off pets (has good solutions about your yard)
Repel Ticks Naturally

Barbara Sinclair

Yarrow!! It’s an amazing bug repellant. You can also make a tincture of it with alcohol and use that as a repellant spray.Or just crush some of the leaves onto your skin. It can be taken internally, if not allergic, and in small quantities.


I am not loving the smell of the Neem Oil. I made #5. Apple Cider Vinegar but wondering if I could add any of the aromatherapy essential oils mentioned in #6 to the spray to change the smell?

Susan Higgins

Hi Cindy, one of the reasons neem oil is effective as a repellent is its smell. Perhaps just use that recipe on your pets or keep the spray to legs and feet.


Thanks for the quick reply. I am working my way through all the tick repellents you listed and will use this on my dog and my when I am in the garden. Thanks so much.


Great article!. Exactly what I was searching for. And, I love the idea behind the lint roller. Thank you.

Susan Higgins

Glad you found it useful, Lorena. Thanks for your comment!

Chitalu Nkonde

Can viniger be applied on dogs

Susan Higgins

Hi Chitalu, if you dilute vinegar, it should be safe but check with your vet.

big fred

crude oil..crudoleum by barr company rubbed onto any animals or people who have lice ticks etc, leave for 20mins…wash well with neutral soap/shampoo…rinse well. essential oils a plenty didn’t kill the bugs, or prevent them coming back for us. The oil did. Plus its inexpensive, and makes your hair/fur look& feel silky healthy & shiny afterwards


Fred, would love to hear the specifics of what you used, how much, when, how made, etc. either here and please call and text me at 949.600.0989. thank you!!! I just moved to tick country!

Megan bebout

I need to get my dogs legs that are full of deer ticks that advantix plus is not killing off of her ( German shepherd) we live on farm so I have read that equal ratios of water.vinegar, & dawn will remove them ????


Skip the water and vinegar. A couple drops of Dawn rubbed in and let sit a bit. Most of the time the tic will remove itself.


Yes but through my research I’ve been told that it aggravates the tick and in the process it will infect you more with whatever it is that the bite does. If you don’t take the tick out the right way you could cause a much larger problem. I use a tick key. It’s the best 6.99 I’ve ever spent.


This was a post from 8 months ago but I worked at a holistic pet store for years and many people had the same issues with Frontline, Advantix ect was not working on their pets. The reason behind the why is because ticks and fleas become immune to it and doesn’t effect them after awhile. No different then drugs with people. I have used many natural products like essential oils for years and never had issues with fleas or ticks. Ticks are really back though this spring in Michigan so I’m back to putting fresh grated garlic in our dogs wet food also. I’m Italian so we eat it all the time. The recipes in this blog is great.


Please do not feed garlic to your dogs!

Al C

Garlic can severely injure your dog. Be careful!

Susan Higgins

Hi AI C, we talked with many veterinarians to get to the bottom of the garlic controversy, and a 20 lb dog would have to consume 20 cloves of garlic to become sick. And even then it wouldn’t be fatal. Of course, we always recommend checking with your veterinarian before giving your dog anything.


We use bravecto on our German Shepherds. It works pretty well. It’s a little pricey but it keeps them off for 3 months until the next dose


It is horrible drug and causes seizures in many dogs including mine

Darnell Feluciano

I’m having a really hard time with the tick situation. So after their baths I rub in vinegar diluted in water throughout their coats. It’s working for one of my dogs but the other one it’s not. It’s doubled. What can I do?


Get Wondercide for your dog! It is completely natural, and is mostly cedar oil! I have been using it on my dog for the past 3ish years now and have even sprayed it on myself when hiking in the woods. They even make a yard spray that is supposed to work very well!

Buddy Segura

My cat has a tick of its ear would mineral oil work all over it to make it fall off somebody please reply thank you

Susan Higgins

Hi Buddy, you’ll have to safely remove the tick with tweezers or have a vet do it. Mineral oil really won’t do anything and could drive the tick further into the skin.


I read that a drop of neem oil on top of the tick would make the tick drop off.


The almanac says that Neem Oil applied on the tick will cause it to losen and fall off.


Whoops. I had not read this msg…so I guess neem oil is a good start.


Touch a Qtip dipped in alcohol at the entry point.
light a match, put it out, and quickly apply to tick body and he’ll probably back out and let go long enough to brush him off (or better yet, grab him with tweezers and drop in a little cup of alcohol). No more tic.
Don’t pull them out because the head will stay in there (with the bacteria or causing an infection simply from being a foreign mass under the skin)


Do not smother a tick with anything. Studies show it actually causes them to regurgitate their toxins, feeding them into the host’s bloodstream. Even if the tick hasn’t been attached the 48hrs it’s said to take for transmission to take place. If the head gets stuck in the skin, do not attempt to dig it out. Doing so can facilitate the transmission of bacteria and any diseases it is carrying. Pull with a ticker remover, clean with hydrogen peroxide, apply antibiotic ointment, inspect daily for expanding rash (only about half of those infected with Lyme will develop the ‘bullseye’ rash), and wait for the skin to expel the head.


Google tick key. It’s the best product I ever bought to remove ticks safely. Sometimes tweezers can be a problem if you don’t grab it by the head the right way. With the tick key you just slide it onto the head and gently pull back. It detaches the tick without irritation. It will still be alive though and attacked to the key so just drop in rubbing alcohol and it will die. I used them for years with my two dogs.

Charles William Segura

On the outside of my cat’s ear there is a tick I was wondering is mineral oil would be good can you overlap the tick with mineral oil please reply thank you


which is the best natural tick repellent for use on young children?


Rose geranium is very good and has a pleasant smell. Be sure to use it in a carrier oil though.


Any essential oil recommended by Farmers Almanac. I love lemon eucalyptus diluted in a carrier oil, like mineral oil.

Karen Crowell

Could I use castor oil instead of almond oil?


Castor oil is very sticky and messy, are there other oils you are ok with? Coconut oil?

Susan Higgins

Agree. Castor oil doesn’t mix well with much and is not a good carrier oil.


Plus it will give ticks diarrhea.


lol… thanks for a good laugh. Much needed these days


Great!Article some things I knew others I didn’t. It would be great to have a way to save favorite articles.

Thank you!


Copy the article you want and paste the article on an email to yourself. Make a file to organize what you want.

Susan Higgins

You can “bookmark” articles you like from your browser. Simply go to the top menu and select “Bookmarks” then “Bookmark this page/tab”


Theres a site called: Pinterest. Allows you to create boards for topics. And, when you come accross a great article. You can share to your pinterest to the board you create example: Essential oil Recipes, or Prevention DIY. You can invite your friends, and this allows visibility to your boards. Pinterest also reccomends articles according to your intetests.


Any vitamin/supplement that will help with itchy skin on my dog? Also one for repelling fleas and ticks?


We’ve been using garlic for years and been flea free. We still find occasional ticks, but fewer than others report. Fish oil is good for itchy skin, but there are supplements with a mixture of beneficial ingredients such as Skinhealth by Pethonesty.


Slipped a little garlic powder in dog food (caution it did say not to do this) but we went from regular tick removal to never again! I had that dog 17 years and after year one and garlic powder once or twice monthly in food…no ticks. No fleas. Healthy. Cats I can’t say but they self clean so much they usually don’t get ticks cuz ticks need time to get to skin and burrow in

Carra albert

Garlic is Poisonous for dogs


No garlic is not poisonous to dogs, this is a falsehood spread by ignorant internet copiers of anything they see. I gave all my dogs over the last 45 years a whole toe of garlic each every day from the head of garlic in their food. It will keep away fleas, tapeworms and other worms, and boost their immune system but it won’t keep away ticks. It also won’t poison the dog but onions will. Garlic has far less of the bad ingredient than onions to the point you would have to feed them a gallon of garlic a day to ever make them sick but very little onion will do so.


I agree. If garlic was harmful my mut would have been dead long ago. She’s healthy as a horse.


It might not kill them instantly but it IS toxic.
Disulphides and thiosulfates are poisonous if ingested by dogs/cats and its in garlic and onions.
It’s like cigarettes. 1 might not kill you but it is poison.


It is not unless in very large doses. Dogs can eat garlic they only need a small amount to protect them. My hollistic vet recommends adding fresh garlic to dogs food


Cats do get ticks, my cat had one on the back of her neck.

Judy Brus

Corrinna, I know cats CAN get ticks but my experience was that it’s pretty rare. Same as putting garlic in dog food. I won’t waste my time posting anymore…the people who know me know I am a good source of pre-validated info… I dont need this site or you to validate that. Spare me the negative response because I’ll never see it. Best wishes to you and your pet family!


It’s not rare for cats to get ticks my feral outside cat gets them a lot.

Mary Jo Matey

My daughter’s sweet cat got tick paralysis and died after a week //// YES cats do get ticks


Any warm blooded mammal can get ticks. That’s just a fact. Ticks don’t discriminate unfortunately


I thought garlic was bad for dogs.

Susan Higgins

Hi Judi, our article Natural Remedies For Your Dog’s Skin Allergies may be helpful.


Garlic is poisonous for dogs and will make them sick if they are fed it over time. There are many oral medicines for dogs that are safe. They work like a vaccine and the tick will die when they bite your dog. I use this

Kaycee Fowler

Tracy , Which Veterinary school did you go too? Where did you hear that garlic is poisonous to dogs? because I AM a DVM and Garlic is 100% NOT poisonous for dogs, that is Absurd even repeating that.


Well according to the Merck Veterinary Manual, garlic and other members of the allium family, including onions, contain thiosulfate, which is toxic to dogs. Thiosulfate causes oxidative damage to red blood cells, resulting in hemolytic anemia.
Where’d you get your license? Didn’t they teach you bed side manner? Even if you disagree with someone you don’t respond like that. Jeez

Susan Higgins

Hi Mika, it’s important to read all the information about garlic toxicity – the studies done all have concluded that one would have to feed a 40 lb dog 20 cloves of garlic for him to get sick, and that small amounts may be beneficial. The Merck Vet Manual is referenced in this article, which explains the whole confusing situation in the best way we’ve seen thus far on the web.

Cindy Cassidy

And then they carry them in get in your bed and embed in you I have had 2 ticks already this year it’s gross when you get up and find a tick with it’s head in you I am looking for a spray to put on them they have the meds from the vet seems like they know and just ride on them to get in grrrr

Laura Kenyon

CAT TICK. Help out of 4 cats my baby keeps coming in with ticks. She is dark charcoal fur and so far two treatments haven’t worked. None of the others have this problem. Suggestions please

Susan Higgins

Hi Laura, I’m a big believer that cats should stay indoors, but if yours must go out, there are a few non-chemical things you can try, 8 Natural Ways To Keep Ticks Off Your Pets. But ask your vet for safe flea and tick treatments that are once a month treatments and are relatively safe. New ones are popping up all the time.

Sapataria Sapatos

Posso usar oleo de eucalipto para prevenir carraças no meu rottwaley?


is eucalyptus good for cats. I see it is good for dogs.

Susan Higgins

Hi Sharon, in the article, under precautions, we say, “Essential oils are not recommended for use on cats. Please consult with your veterinarian about effective flea and tick control for cats.” We hope that helps!


Hi, I have 2 lambs & am wondering what might be a good natural repellent against ticks, lice, mites, mozzies etc, thankyou

Susan Higgins

Hi Marion, we’re not sure what would be a safe natural repellent. It would be best if you contact your vet to see what’s safe and reliable.

Mia Delacruz

What should I do if I found a trick on my dog one day & wasn’t able to get it off & the next not see it anywhere? I’m not sure if it fell off in the house or not. We have carpet.


Will mulching up cedar trees and mixing with water in a 50 gallon drum for a week help repel the ticks



Faith Harbarger

I use baby shampoo on my dogs for flea and tick because the vet told me Dawn dish liquid was to harsh on !y dogs skin. Then after the bath I apply the apple cider mixture to the coat and work it in.


How do u mix apple cider Vinager do you delute it


Something small and brown that look like a tick with no legs bit me what should I do? I noticed serval bites on back and front of chest close to left shoulder should I be worried..I rubbed burn medication on the bit and took Bayer asprin what do u recommend??

Susan Higgins

Hi Tina, could it be mites or bed bugs? Without seeing the bugs it’s difficult to tell.


The best anti-spirochete for ticks is oil of oregano, as much as you want and liquid silver


Thymol from oil of thyme as well.


good day
I got ticks all over our yard small ones I’ve tried most remedies like apple cider vinegar, sheep deep but still is there, I am scared cause we got children who’s playing around they mate be danger to them need help urgently please


Best thing to keep tics out of your yard is get a couple chickens or guinea hens and let em run around. Works great.

Noel Frankland

How often should I apply the neem oil spray.The solution Iam using is 2 water 4 tbl spoons apple cider vinegar 2 tbl spoons neem oil. Thanks Noel

Susan Higgins

Hi Noel, think of it as an “as needed” spray. All ingredients are perfectly safe to use often.

Irv mauran

Thanks for all the tick info Sharon. I have a room spray made here in the Adirondacks. It contains, spring water, vodka, lavender oil, and peppermint oil. Just by reading the ingredients I thought perhaps it might work?

Dr. P

Yes. That mixture would work. You can also add a few drops of neem, cedarwood, lemon eucalyptus or tea tree oil in as well.

Rosie Fusco

Please never saturate a tick with oil in attempts to remove it. The tick will regurgitate into your body. Always pull out straight up with tweezer. No twisting or smothering.


Do you what would be good to put on horses? I have one horse that the flies just eat on her, its terrible, fly sprays don’t work.

Susan Higgins

Hi Kim, in this article, we include a section on fly control for horses. Check it out: Natural Fly Repellents You Can Make In Your Kitchen

Karen Kolbu

Also, for those with fire ants, don’t kill the all off. Fire ants feed on ticks. Nummy!


I add 10 drops of neem oil in a small bottle of dawn dish soap when I bath my dogs.

Lee F.

So much conflicting info out there! What to believe or not believe. I can only relay on what has worked for me and my canine pals. !st, not only have I used cedar oil topically on my dogs fur, I use it on myself on my clothes (successfully) to help with repelling ticks and chiggers. 2nd, I strongly disagree that garlic used daily in moderation has any negative effects on dogs. I have had many dogs in my 73 years on this planet, and have been feeding them all daily a small chopped clove of garlic in their food. Not only does in help repel ticks and fleas but keeps them clean of worms. One other hint. A raw egg once in awhile will keep their coats shiny and healthy. Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. p.s no need to pay a vet $100 to tell you whats free out there from those in the know…


I really appreciate you and all your knowledge, some folks are too eager to run to the vet for every little thing and I read your post and it was a pure delight to finally read someone’s story about the way they use common sense for a change instead of running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off.

Teresa Hampton

Be very careful what you use. CEDARWOOD OIL Is Toxic. We never used cedarwood chips in the tank for the lizards or tarantula, and it can be toxic for pets.
Cedar leaf oil from Cedrus atlantica does not contain thujone. Cedarwood oil is a mixture of organic compounds considered generally safe by the FDA as a food additive preservative. … Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high levels of cedarwood oil can cause liver and pulmonary toxicity.

John E Perry

Good info! Keep up the good work.

Charlotte Hall

I have used Apple Cider vinegar with the “Mother” for years. I put it in their drinking water, apply topically after bathing (with Dawn detergent) works inside and outside!


How much apple cider vinegar do you put in the water? Also, how do you apply topically and how much? Can you put this on cats too?


Thank you all for such good info. Are any of these remedies effective for fleas and or chiggers? (Not sure if the latter is just a southernism?)


The peppermint oil works also for black flies! I was getting black flies in my hair, mouth etc. Biting like crazy and I went inside and put oil all over my arms and neck. They were there around me, but never bothered me again.

Lucee Nozik

We use Springtime Bug Off for the dogs. It is dehydrated garlic and it is perfectly SAFE for your dogs. My dogs have it every day with their meals and while everyone else is getting bit by mosquitoes and bothered by ticks my dogs remain untouched. I’ve been using this for years with great success.

Susan Higgins

Hi Lucee Nozik, we ran a recipe for dog treats that was effective in repelling fleas — that original recipe included dried garlic. We had checked with vets on its safety and agree that in small doses it’s safe. However, our readers disagreed, so we’d rather people check with their vets as every dog is different.

Susan Higgins

Hi Eva S. Yes, we agree and mention that under “Cautions” in the story.

Vicki Richards

We put tea tree oil on our little Pomchi, she was affected to a serious degree, if using tea tree oil dilute, dilute, dilute !!! Very important!

Eva S

Never use Tea Tree oil on cats!


Never use it on dogs or cats! It causes seizures!

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