Home & Living

Giant Joro Spider Invasion Map 2024 And FAQ

Giant Joro Spider Invasion Map 2024 And FAQ featured image

Will a new species of spider land in your state this summer? Check our Giant Joro Spider Invasion Map 2024 and frequently asked questions—including essential tips you need to know. Have any additional questions? Ask us in the comments section. What are giant joro spiders? Trichonephila clavata, also known as the joro spider or giant

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Celebrate Your Unique Dad: A Father’s Day Gift Guide

Celebrate Your Unique Dad: A Father’s Day Gift Guide featured image

Father’s Day is a special occasion to honor and celebrate the incredible men in our lives who have shaped us, guided us, and shown us what it means to be strong, loving, and adventurous. From teaching us how to ride a bike to imparting invaluable life lessons, fathers (and father figures) hold a special place

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Attack Of The Cicadas 2024 Map, FAQ And Tips

Attack Of The Cicadas 2024 Map, FAQ And Tips featured image

Many news outlets are talking about the trillions of cicadas due to emerge in April 2024—a rare “double brood” event that hasn’t happened in two hundred years. But what does this mean for your gardens, how many US states will be affected, and—most importantly—how can you minimize the deafening noise that these creatures create? Here’s

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What Is A Cornucopia? Meaning, Symbolism, And How To Make One!

What Is A Cornucopia? Meaning, Symbolism, And How To Make One! featured image

The cornucopia is a ubiquitous symbol of abundance, especially around Thanksgiving, starring in centerpieces on bountiful tables across the land. But where did the “horn of plenty” originate? A Thanksgiving cornucopia has a much longer, more elaborate history than you may imagine. Learn more about cornucopia meaning and symbolism here. Plus, learn how to make

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Box Elder Bugs — Everything You Need To Know

Box Elder Bugs — Everything You Need To Know featured image

Box elder bugs may be small, but they can become a significant nuisance to gardeners and homeowners alike. These sap-sucking insects, which are particularly attracted to box elder trees, may gather in large numbers, cause damage to plants, and invade the interiors of homes. Here is everything you need to know, including how to manage bug

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How to Winterize Lawn Mower And Outdoor Power Equipment

How to Winterize Lawn Mower And Outdoor Power Equipment featured image

As you finish up your last lawn mowing of the season, you might be tempted to wheel your mower into the shed and forget about it for the next five or six months. Not so fast! Before putting your outdoor power equipment into hibernation, give them a little TLC and they’ll pay you back when you

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16 Helpful Items To Borrow From Your Public Library!

16 Helpful Items To Borrow From Your Public Library! featured image

Many people see libraries as a place to borrow books and study, but few realize how many other resources public libraries have to offer. In addition to books, you can borrow movies, music, audiobooks, and even video games! But did you know that some libraries have tools that you can borrow for activities and DIY

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When Good Food Looks Bad—But It’s Not!

When Good Food Looks Bad—But It’s Not! featured image

Have you ever asked yourself, “is this okay to eat?” While it may be tempting to toss out food that looks unappetizing, it is important to remember that appearance is not always indicative of safety. For example, mold on hard cheeses can simply be cut off, and bruised produce is still perfectly fine to eat.

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