Lightning Safety: How Much Do You Know? Take Our Quiz!

Think you're weather wise? Test your knowledge now with the Farmers' Almanac Lightning Quiz.

Lightning Safety Awareness Week is June 20-26, 2021. Test your knowledge!

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Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

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Trent von Neuman

10/10 would watch a cow fall over like wood again


Love the rain, thunder and lightning storms. As an uniformed kid, I used to sit on my grandmothers screened porch in the rocking chair and watched the lightning light up the sky.. I liked feeling the mist from the rain coming thru the screen on my face

Saw a cow hit by lightning when I was a kid. It fell over like it was made of wood.


I was about 9yrs. old we lived one door from the Ohio Canal and while I was fishing it started to storm I started running home lighting hit the telephone I looked up and saw sparks the next thing I remembered was being on my porch. The second time I at my Grandparents house which was in the mountains of N.C. it was a beautiful sunny day big white clouds a bolt of lightning went between my cousin going then through the wiring into the kitchen lightbulb a loud boom and continued to bring the hosing going to my Grandpa’s springhouse. True story what makes lighting do that when there isn’t a storm without any warning?


I totally flunked

Mary Buttry

I’m glad I took this quiz, as 7 out of ten is more than I thought I’d get correct!

Lara Lea Newsom

I need to brush up on my facts lol.

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