How To Celebrate The Harvest Moon

A field below a Moon suggesting giving thanks as one way how to celebrate the Harvest Moon.

Full Moons are mysterious, magical, and important ways to mark the passage of time. Each month, the Farmers’ Almanac celebrates the monthly full Moon noting their traditional and alternative names (Sturgeon Moon, Beaver Moon, Harvest Moon, etc.). Most of these names come from the Algonquin, a Native American peoples that once inhabited large areas of

Apollo 11 Moon Landing Anniversary: Memories of A Lifetime

Moon landing anniversary.

In honor of the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, writer Ed Higgins shares his memories of the space event of a lifetime. Plus, check out the TV footage from July 20, 1969! The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Anniversary: Memories Of A Lifetime As the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing approaches, it

What is Moon Illusion?

Moon - Full moon

Ever notice how big the Moon appears at times or in pictures? It’s called Moon Illusion. Learn more.

X Marks The Spot: Lunar X Explained

Lunar X - Moon

You’ve heard of the Man on the Moon but what about an “X” on the Moon? Learn all about Lunar X (and Lunar V) and the best times to spot them.

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