The Power of Sunshine – From the 1869 Farmers’ Almanac

See the timely health advice on the power of sunshine that the Farmers' Almanac shared back in 1869.

From the 1869 Farmers’ Almanac. 

The Power of Sunshine

We advise everybody to live on the sunny side of their houses. The room in which the family spends most of its time should be on the side on which the sun can find its way into it. Let the parlor, if it be seldom used, be on the shady side.

We observe that there is not a cottager so ignorant that she will not set her plants, if she has taste enough to grow them in the east window in the morning, and at noon carry them to a south window, and in the afternoon put them in a west window. But perhaps she is careful to keep her children in the shade, and her precious self, so far as possible, out of the rays of the sun. The plants, in obedience to natural law, are kept healthy, while the children and mother, being kept in the shade, suffer in consequence.

Light is beginning to be considered a great curative agent, and we apprehend that the time is not far distant when there will be sun baths. Corridors with glass roofs will be so adjusted that persons can properly remove their clothing and take a bath in the sun for an hour or two, much to the improvement of their health.

The chief advantage in going to the country is to get into the sunshine, and to be in the pure breezes. If we desire merely to keep cool, we should stay in the shady city. People talk of “hot walls” and “burning pavements;” it is much hotter in the country, for the breezes that play there in mid-day only bring heated air in from out-doors. But in the city, the breeze brings air in from the shady side of the street, and the lower rooms of a city house are much cooler in mid-day, than the exposed houses of the country.

Parents can do nothing better for their puny sick boys than to put them on a farm for two or three summers and let the sun bathe them the live-long day. They will, by such a life, grow rapidly, and become tough, brawny, and broad. We have seen this tried to the highest advantage in more than one instance under our advice.

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Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

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Vitamin D won’t be created in the body if the sun is shining through glass. Does Sunlight Through Glass Provide Vitamin D?

Susan Higgins

Yes, it’s important to get outside!

Nancy Kroeger

The side effects of too much sun is sunburn to fair skin. The side effects of Vitamin D deficiency is a weak immune system. The possible side effects of a weak immune system along with a diet high in sugar and other foods producing an acidic environment in the body for too long is cancer which will manifest in any organ that is most easily diseased, which includes the skin as an organ (Melanoma)

Virginia Meyer

All very good advice and the benefits of the sun include a healthy dose of Vitamin D, but also be aware of the bad side effects of too much sun. Skin cancer being of high concern! Squamous cell carcinoma, Basal cell and the most severe Melanoma.

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