Top Ten Reasons To Wish Winter Away

Spring officially arrives on March 20th but many of us have been ready for awhile. Here are the top 10 reasons why it's time to say goodbye to winter.

In the past, we’ve shared our story, Top Ten Reasons NOT to Wish Winter Away. After some big snowstorms in many areas just this past week, we decided that it IS finally time to wish winter goodbye.

Here’s why:

10. The birds are getting hungry and birdseed supply is getting low.

9. Muscles are aching from too much snow shoveling (and there’s no room to put the shoveled snow).

8. Can’t tell if that’s snow on the car or road salt.

7. Sweaty feet from wearing boots all the time.

6. More hours of daylight! Get out and enjoy.

5. Too many movie/TV nights. No more couch time. Let’s get outside and enjoy
some of nature’s entertainment.

4. Green grass is a much better and happier color.

3. The ability (and desire) to go outside without bundling up in layers.

2. Smell of spring flowers and the return of leaves.

And the number one reason to wish winter away is…

1. Fishing, Gardening, and Baseball!

What’s your reason to wish winter away? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!

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Ready to go outside without a coat, lighter shoes on and the warm sun on me.

Gary MC

sighting of bees couple times last couple weeks spring flowers slowly making there way out of the soil a good welcome sight

Nicole Bowers

Kinder temperatures for our fur babies.

Jane H.

I reside in the upper Midwest and the worst part of this year’s winter was the polar vortex. I live in a small older brick apt. bldg. (built prior to the advent of insulation). Even indoors you had to wear multi-layers of clothing to stay warm.


Those aren’t the ads I see, I’ve actually NEVER seen guns ads. I have Dicks Sporting Goods and Pottery Barn showing on mine ~ typically the ads you see are based on your own browsing, your location, your IP address, your preference settings, etc. You can always set your preferences to not see certain ads.


Broken plow truck.


Honey bees needing there flowers

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