Wind Weather Lore

We did some digging in our files on weather lore about wind. How many of these sayings have you heard?

Whether it’s spring winds along the Eastern shores, blowing snow of winter blizzards, or the Santa Ana winds out west, wind is a powerful weather maker. With that in mind, we did some digging in our files on weather lore “swirling” around wind. How many of these have you heard?

Wind Weather Lore


When the wind is in the north, the skillful fisher goes not forth.
When the wind is in the east, ’tis good for neither man nor beast.
When the wind is in the south, it blows the flies in the fish’s mouth.
When the wind is in the west, there is it the very best.


‘Tis well to sail when the south winds begin to blow.


When wind comes before rain,
Soon you make sail again.


Blow the wind never so fast,
It will fall at last.


A southerly wind with showers of rain will bring the wind from the west again.


North winds send hail, south winds bring rain,
East winds bewail, west winds blow a main;
North-east is too cold, south-east not too warm,
North-west is too bold, south-west doth no harm.


The sharper the blast,
The sooner it’s past.


The winds of the daytime wrestle and fight
Longer and stronger than those of the night.


If wind rises at night
It will fall at daylight.


If on the twelfth of January the Sun shines,
it foreshadows much wind to come.

And our favorite:


If the wind be still, no weather is ill.

Enjoy this classic tune, below:

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Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

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Love this! More, more!


Red at night sailors delight
Red in the morning sailors take warning.


If the wind rises in the east there shall follow a beast. If the wind rises from the west no one shall find rest. Also if the wind rises at night it shall rest come daylight.

Barbara chandler

I love these sayings

Robert H

I have always heard:

Red sky in the morning,
Sailors take warning.
Red sky at night,
Sailors delight.

James Brumley

I believe there is a whole slew of weather related jingles, there were several we had to learn in the USNavy. Any chance of adding that stuff to the list.

Whitney Noel

When I learned to fly, weather was ever at the fore. Because I was reared on a farm, it was a daily routine to know what it was going to do on that day. The winds stirred the air, drove fronts, both warm and cold, from the south and from the north and northwest. The wind is a curisoity, a power which helps drive the world’s weather.




Thanks for sharing !

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