Farmers’ Almanac Canadian Winter Weather Forecast 2012-2013

From Farmers’ Almanac Weather Archive – 
Canadian Extended Winter Weather Forecast 2012-2013

Will Winter Return to Canada?

2013 Canadian Farmers' Almanac Extended Winter weather Forecast

After a year of unprecedented warmth, the great debate over whether or not Old Man Winter will return with a vengeance is on.

Last winter much of Canada experienced yet another unseasonably warm season. Some locations in far northern Canada saw temperatures approaching an incredible 10° C above normal. This summer has also been a hot one with some areas experience less than normal rainfall.

Fortunately, the new 2013 Canadian Farmers’ Almanac hits store shelves this month and promises on its cover to answer whether or not the warm, dry trend will continue, or if winter will stage a comeback.

According to this favored long-range weather publication, winter will return to some – but not all – areas.
It will be a “winter of contraries” shares editor Peter Geiger, Philom, adding, “It’s like Old Man Winter is cutting the country in half. The eastern half of Canada will see plenty of cold and snow. The western half will experience relatively warm and dry conditions.”

According to the Canadian Farmers’ Almanac, areas from Alberta and Saskatchewan east into the Maritimes will see a colder than normal winter with many locations experiencing above normal precipitation. But for British Columbia – chiefly those areas west and south of the Rocky Mountains – the overall winter will be milder and drier than normal.

While some may question where these weather predictions come from, the Canadian Farmers’ Almanac weather forecasts are based on an unbiased mathematical and astronomical formula that dates back to 1818.

“We admit that last winter’s forecasts weren’t as dead-on as we would have liked, but as the old saying goes, ‘The Almanac maker predicts the weather, but another Maker makes the weather,’ ” reflects Geiger, adding “Weather, no matter what tools or computer systems you use to predict it, is not an exact science. Many sources were thrown off last year, but we are confident in our formula and are happy to provide our readers with a long-range outlook that is very accurate.”

Fans of the Almanac say its famous long-range forecast is accurate between 80 and 85 percent of the time.

Farmers’ Almanac Winter Weather Forecast US 2013-14

Farmers’ Almanac Winter Weather Forecast Canada 2013-14

Farmers’ Almanac Weather Archive – Old Farmers’ Almanac Winter Weather Forecasts from winter 2011-12 through winter 2023.

Stock photography - Shutterstock
Caleb Weatherbee

Caleb Weatherbee is the official forecaster for the Farmers' Almanac. His name is actually a pseudonym that has been passed down through generations of Almanac prognosticators and has been used to conceal the true identity of the men and women behind our predictions.

Farmers' Almanac Canadian Winter Weather Forecast 2012-2013

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