September Weather Lore Sayings You May Not Have Heard
There are a lot of weather lore sayings surrounding the month of September. How many of these have you heard?

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, September is the gateway into autumn. Nature is in transition as temperatures drop and leaves change. During this month, there’s lots of activity from both man and the natural world as preparations for the upcoming winter get underway. Our ancestors paid close attention to signs from nature as they prepared for harvests and the cold winter months ahead. They then turned those observations, which have been gathered over a long period of time, into proverbs that were then passed down from generation to generation.
You’ll note much of the September weather lore sayings are mostly associated with rain (September is historically a rainy month) and its effects on valuable crops and harvests, which our ancestors relied on for their livelihood.
We searched the archives for as many bits of weather folklore specifically associated with this glorious transition month and came up with the following list. Have you heard any of these sayings?

September Weather Folklore
- Whatever July and August do not boil, September cannot fry.
- As September, so the coming March.
- Fair on the first of September, fair the entire month.
- If the storms in September clear off warm, all the storms of the following winter will be warm.
- When September has been rainy, the following May is generally dry. When May is dry, September is apt to be wet.
- Thunder in September indicates a good crop of grains and fruits the next year.

- The first snowfall comes six weeks after the last thunderstorm in September.
- As the weather is on September 6th, so it will be for the next four weeks.
- As the weather is on the day of Mary’s birth (September 8), so it will be for four weeks.
- If the weather is fine on St. Gorgonius’ Day (September 9), it will continue fine for forty days. If it rains, there will be a lot of bad October weather.
- No rain on the Holy Cross (September 14), no rain for six weeks.
- If on September 19 there is a storm from the south, a mild winter may be expected.
- If there is clear weather on St. Maurice’s Day (September 22), heavy winds will rage in the following winter.
- On Michaelmas Day (September 29), the heat leaves us. If St. Michael brings many acorns, Christmas will cover the fields with snow.
Join The Discussion!
Do you know any weather lore sayings about the month of September?
Let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!
This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!