Farmers’ Almanac Forewarns of Frosty Flip-Flop Winter Ahead

From the weather archives, old Farmers’ Almanac weather forecast.

Lewiston, ME: As the nation is immersed in a summer wrought with weather extremes, many find their thoughts drifting to cooler temps. Right on cue, the Farmers’ Almanac is releasing its much-anticipated 2021-22 winter weather outlook that has its own set of extremes, earning it a “frosty flip-flop” moniker that might be a little too frosty for some and not enough flip-flop for others.

Will this winter be as snowy as last? Is Texas expected to get another snowstorm? Will winter precipitation help with the drought out West?

The Farmers’ Almanac is predicting a near-normal amount of snowfall from coast to coast however, the unusual aspect of this winter will be the notable month-to-month variations.

2022 US Farmers' Almanac Winter Forecast Map.
2021-22 Frosty Flip-Flop Winter Forecast from the Farmers’ Almanac

January’s Flip

The Farmers’ Almanac’s extended forecast, which is based on a proprietary formula that looks at many astronomical factors, warns that January will start out mild for much of the country but will turn cold and stormy, especially along the Atlantic Seaboard.

The Great Lakes, Midwest, and Ohio Valley will experience a cold and snowy January, with a blizzard forecast for the Northern Plains and Rockies later in the month.

February’s Flop

In sharp contrast, February will be a much quieter month in terms of storminess across much of the nation, especially the eastern third. However, expect a “winter whopper” for parts of the Northeast and Ohio Valley toward the end of the month.

Will Another Storm Hit Texas?

The arctic outbreak in February 2021, which the Farmers’ Almanac accurately predicted, brought frigid temperatures along with snow and ice to Texas and Oklahoma. The Almanac is predicting similar cold and snowy conditions in late January, but fortunately, they shouldn’t be as bad as last year.

No Drought Relief Out West

The West can expect some hefty storms moving inland from the Pacific during the second week of January and the end of February, but they most likely won’t alleviate the drought conditions that area is experiencing.


Farmers’ Almanac is forecasting near- to somewhat-below normal temperatures across the eastern-third of the nation, well below-normal over the Central US, and near-normal across the western US, especially in February.

The 2022 Farmers’ Almanac, with its orange and green cover, not only contains the winter forecast but weather predictions for the entire four seasons of 2022.


Peter Geiger, Philom., Editor, at 207-755-2246 [email protected]
Sandi Duncan, Philom., Mg. Editor, at 207-755-2349 [email protected]

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Sandi Duncan is the Editor of the Farmers' Almanac. Click here to read Sandi's full biography.

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i live in alabama i need to know when do you plant corn


It would really depend on where in Alabama you live and your local climate (and growing zone).

Curious 1

Anyone tell me what weather going to be Jan 10-15 2023 in Florida – specifically Tampa!

Margaret Mitchell

We live in North Central Wyoming which is usually so stinking frigid. Our daughter and husband are cattle ranchers and are always calving in February. We are getting older and we used to drive to Arizona every winter. Due to circumstances our youngest and family now live in Washington state 45 minutes from Portland. Still looks like it’s going to be a little milder there so looks like it would be safe to leave in February. Are used to snow but there are six mountain passes between us and Washington. The ranchers out here all depend on you guys

Last edited 1 year ago by Margaret Mitchell
Betty Smith

Hoping winter is mild in Tennessee. I can’t stand really cold temps


When my wife and I was still working we planned our vacation around the farmers almanac weather predictions. They did an excellent job then and they’re still doing an excellent job today. Thank you Farmers’ Almanac.

Carson Ellerby

Hopefully Piedmont of the Southeastern United States will experience an actual normal with regards to temperature anomalies for 2022-2023

Logan Orcutt

Hello from Texas! Will Texas receive very bad weather in the following months of Feburary and March? Also, I love your stuff!

Beverly Holland

My grandpa was a farmer and used a farmers Almanac to plant, harvest, and many other things. It’s much more reliable than a weather man.

alan perry

Hi! Every Year I do a Snow fall event in my store hopping to give back money to my customers that buy jewelry hit the very 1st year 10 years ago with 6 inches in Ashville N.C. only needed 3 inches have come close a few times for the last 9 but not hit it again what regions are my best bet this year for Christmas eve 2021? thanks Alan Perry

Kimberly Alewine

Happy fall ya’ll from South Carolina ? What do ya’ll predict for the east coast 2021-22? According to your map, it looks like cold and icy… Is that true?

Susan Higgins

Hi Kimberly, it depends on where on the east coast you’re talking about. Northeast vs southeast.

Patricia A Griggs

Happy to hear this forecast

Joe papianni

Is NJ considered north east or eastern seaboard?

Marcia D Jennings


Rob Johnson

I live in madison wv will we see snow in dec and jan not nov


Looking for weather for October 23, 2021
Having a huge baby shower and want to check weather

Randall Johnson

I live in central North Carolina and I am an extreme snow lover. Overall, I am a fan of winter over the other three seasons. My area is now experiencing a four year snow drought. Will this be the winter that the drought is broken?

Pamela Ellingwood

I’m with you. Hate Summer!! Love snow, not a fan of ice, but cold is fine.


Move more north. Lack of snow is why I moved to NC

Nathanael E Hartley

I’m in Iowa it gets really cold and icy and lots of snow not a fan of ice but snow and cold I like that

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