Search Results for: superstitions

Birthstones By Month — Facts and Folklore

Birthstones By Month — Facts and Folklore featured image

Birthstones are so much more than elegant stones for celebrating your birthday. They have a deep history that originates in the first century and healing properties that many people believe to this day. The following article explains how this popular tradition evolved over time. As you scroll to the bottom of this page you’ll discover

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Attack Of The Cicadas 2024 Map, FAQ And Tips

Attack Of The Cicadas 2024 Map, FAQ And Tips featured image

Many news outlets are talking about the trillions of cicadas due to emerge in April 2024—a rare “double brood” event that hasn’t happened in two hundred years. But what does this mean for your gardens, how many US states will be affected, and—most importantly—how can you minimize the deafening noise that these creatures create? Here’s

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When and What is Midsummer?

When and What is Midsummer? featured image

If summer solstice marks the first day of summer, why is “Midsummer” just a few days later? Learn the origins of this special holiday and discover fun Midsummer celebrations for your friends and family! Origins of Midsummer and St. John’s Day Midsummer celebrates the joy of long, warm days spent outside in the summertime. It’s

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Kayak Fishing: How To Get Started

Kayak Fishing: How To Get Started featured image

Kayak fishing is one of the fastest growing sports in America—and for good reason. It is an affordable, adaptable, and at times a straight-up sublime way to spend time on the water. The best part: getting started is easy! For your first kayak, you don’t need anything fancy. Choosing A Fishing Kayak Do some internet

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The Next Lunar Eclipse: Night Of The Red Moon!

The Next Lunar Eclipse: Night Of The Red Moon! featured image

A total eclipse of the Moon will take place on Sunday, May 15, 2022. (See exact times below.) The event will be visible in North and South America and may be seen without binoculars or telescopic equipment—even through the haze of a big cities! Unlike an eclipse of the Sun, no eye protection will be needed. Read on.

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Drop a knife? Get ready for a visitor.

Drop a knife? Get ready for a visitor. featured image

Here are a few more superstitions: If an eyelash falls out, put it on the back of the hand, make a wish and throw it over your shoulder. If it flies off the hand the wish will be granted. If the bottom of your right foot itches, you are going to take a trip. Pulling

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