5 Tips for Fishing in the Rain

Man in red jacket fishing at a lake in the rain.

Rain, rain go away? Not so fast! But before you cast your line, you’ll want to read these tips for fishing in the rain to ensure you have a successful day!

Sinkholes and Blue Holes: What Are They?

Belize Great Blue Hole Lighthouse Reef Atoll Doline Karibik Riff Karibisches Meer Mittelamerika Großes Blaues Loch Tauchen Rundflug Tauchgebiet Top10 Korallenriff Korallen Weltnaturerbe Attraktion

Sinkholes are the stuff of nightmares. They’re known to swallow cars and homes with little or no warning. Why do these end-of-the-world holes form, and how do they differ from Blue Holes? We explain.

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