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Minor Burn Relief

Black pepper - Orange Juice

If you burn yourself in the kitchen, apply pure vanilla extract with a cotton swab to ease the pain.

Soap for Leg Cramps?!

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Many people swear that if they bring a bar of soap to bed with them their leg cramps stay away. For best results, unwrap the bar and place it under the sheets near where your legs will lie on the bed.

Dry Skin

Dry Skin? Add some milk powder to your bathwater.

Dairy and Allergies

Got allergies? Stay away from dairy products. They thicken mucus and make congestion worse!

Reduce Congestion

Allergies - Allergic rhinitis

Got allergies? Stay away from dairy products. They thicken mucus and make congestion worse!

Onion Breath

Onion breath? Chew on an orange rind or a sprig of parsley.

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