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Create An Orange Tea Light

Orange - Party

Create a lovely tea light for your Mother’s Day brunch table using an orange! Simply flatten the orange a bit with your hand, then using a sharp paring knife, cut a shallow hole in the top of the orange. Insert a tea light and you have a beautiful table decoration! Tip and image courtesy of

Pumpkin Art: No Carving Required!

Pumpkin - Painting

Didn’t get around to carving this year? No worries! Simply use permanent markers or paints to draw right on your pumpkins and gourds—your house number, a Jack-O-Lantern face, ghost face—get creative! Note: after Halloween is over, only give wildlife portions of the pumpkin that are marker-free.

Mess-Free Easter Egg Dyeing

Easter Egg Whisk

To make dyeing Easter eggs easier and mess-free, use a wire whisk to hold the hardboiled egg while you dip it in the dye. Just separate the wires to gently release the egg and let dry.

Keep Moisture Out

Silica gel - Silicon dioxide

Save those silica gel packets you receive with various purchases and reuse them to keep moisture out of boxes of personal photos and important documents.

Fall-Scented Jack-O-Lanterns

Pumpkin - Lantern

Before you place a candle inside your Jack-O-Lantern, coat the lid with spices such as ground cinnamon, nutmeg, or pumpkin pie spice. The heat of the candle will warm the spices and send a delicious scent through the air.

Sharpen Dull Scissors

Scissors - Snips

To sharpen a dull pair of scissors at home easily, use a piece of fine-grit sandpaper. Simply cut through the sandpaper, rough side down, several times.

Clever Use For Egg Cartons

Plastic - Egg carton

Use a cardboard egg carton as a paint holder for children. When they are finished painting, the carton can be thrown away. (Styrofoam or plastic cartons can be washed out and reused.)

Set An Easy-To-Clean Kids’ Table

Colored pencil - Crayon

Use kraft paper or butcher paper to cover the kids’ table at Thanksgiving, and set out crayons and markers for them to draw and be creative. It keeps them busy and makes clean up a snap!

Remove Permanent Marker Easily

Marker pen - Stock photography

Use rubbing alcohol on a paper towel to remove permanent marker from appliances and countertops. It also works great to remove old marks on dry erase boards (whiteboards) at the office.

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