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Freeze Lemon Slices For Summer Drinks

Slice lemons (or limes) crosswise and place them on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Freeze, then transfer slices to a resealable bag. Add the frozen slices to your summer drinks to keep them cold without watering them down.

Keep Your Cool!

Mojito - Mint julep

Cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, and herbs such as mint are good foods to eat to help keep the body cool when it’s hot out.

Help For Your Potted Plants

Tea - Tea bag

Fertilize your acid-loving houseplants (like ferns) with used tea bags. Simply open the bags and work the used tea leaves into the soil. The leaves will lower the pH level of the soil and provide nutrients, as well as pest and fungus control. You can also occasionally water houseplants with cooled twice-brewed tea for added

Fresher Herbs

Parsley - Herb

Keep herbs fresh in a jar or vase of water as you would fresh-cut flowers. Just snip off what you need, and change the water daily. This works especially well for flat-leaf parsley.

Easy Plant Markers

Stock photography - Shutterstock

Disposable chopsticks are very handy in the garden!  Simply stick them the ground and place seed packets over top for quick identification of planted rows.

Thrifty Sponge Tip

Image - Photograph

To save money, cut your sponges and scrubbers in half when you first buy them. They’ll still do a great job and you’ll have double the cleaning tools!

DIY Toilet Cleaner

Effervescent tablet - Tablet

Guests coming over and you don’t have a lot of time to clean? This easy, homemade toilet cleaner can help: Drop in two effervescent antacid tablets, such as Alka-Seltzer, wait twenty minutes, brush, and flush!

Keep Moisture Out

Silica gel - Silicon dioxide

Save those silica gel packets you receive with various purchases and reuse them to keep moisture out of boxes of personal photos and important documents.

Shine Silver and Jewelry With Ketchup

It’s true! Ketchup can bring back the sparkle to your jewelry and silver items. Simply submerge item in a bowl of ketchup and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Then remove and scrub with an old toothbrush. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

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