7 Creative Ways to Keep Cool On Hot Days

Summer heat getting to you? Check out some easy ways to keep cool here.

Check out these creative ways to stay cool when the temperatures soar!

7 Ways to Keep Cool During Hot Days

  1. Cool your pulse points by running cold water or ice cubes over your wrists for a few minutes.
  2. Place a cold cloth or cold pack on the back of your neck and leave it there for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Eat small meals rather than large ones as digestion raises the body’s core temperature.
  4. Cool off your bed at night by using a freezing bottled water. Use it to cool your ankles and the back of your knees.
  5. Freeze a couple of water bottles (freeze one for Fido, too, and put it in the pet’s bed to keep him cool) and use them to cool down pulse points.
  6. Don’t turn on the oven! Cook outside using the grill, or use your microwave, crock pot, or serve something cold, like a yummy protein-packed salad. Try this one!
  7. Use overhead (ceiling) fans if you have them. For floor fans, place a bowl of ice or a frozen water jug behind the fan. The air will be cool. You may also want to place a fan on the hot side of a room and have the air blow out, basically allowing the fan to pull the heated air out of the room.

Prevent Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
Beat The Heat With These Tips
Natural Ways To Stay Cool When It’s Hot

And Don’t Forget Your Pets!

Healthy Ice Cream For Pups

Clever Way to Keep Your Pet Cool!
Protect Your Pets From the Heat
Keep Your Chickens Cool With A Confetti Ice Wreath

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Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

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