What Is Saturn Return? Is Yours Coming?

“Coming of age” is defined in many ways. In the US, for example, you can get a driver’s license at the age of 16, become a legal adult at 18, and buy alcohol at 21. But there is often a later time in life when you truly feel more mature and responsible. Astrologers refer to these periods as your Saturn Returns. But why Saturn and what does “return” have to do with it? Are you about to experience your next (or first) Saturn return? Expert astrologer Kyle Thomas explains, and includes easy reference dates for you to know. Share this article with your friends to help them understand what they may be going through!
What does Saturn represent?
Saturn is the furthest planet visible to the naked eye. For this reason, ancient civilizations considered Saturn as the highest octave of the universal order, ruling structure, karma, life lessons, authority figures, and reality.
Saturn’s presence often forces you to persevere, to be realistic and practical, and to work toward long-term gain. Saturn is also connected to ambition, maturity, and longevity.
Saturn return Meaning
Saturn takes about 29.5 years to orbit the Sun, spending about 2-3 years in each zodiac sign along the way. After about 27-31 years, Saturn “returns” to the same place it was in the sky when you were born. Think of it like a giant boomerang coming back to you after taking flight through the cosmos, and hitting you with some harsh truths!
Saturn return teaches us tough life lessons that we must integrate in order to reach a new stage of maturity. We often face challenges, hurdles, and obstacles related to specific areas of our lives that need shoring up. During the first two years of your Saturn return, work hard. If you persevere, you may reap rewards equal in measure by the third year.
What happens during a Saturn return?
- The first Saturn return is when you officially become an adult.
- The second one symbolizes reaching your middle age.
- The third one represents reaching your eldest and wisest years.
Themes of maturity and responsibility take center stage during your Saturn return. Often times, reality hits hard. You may find yourself reevaluating your life and happiness. Jump to dates.
You may see a culmination of your hard work with a breakthrough or glory moment. Yet, you may realize it’s time to start a new chapter and move in a more realistic direction.
Big life decisions are often made during Saturn return. Sometimes people win big, while others may lose. People begin or end relationships—such as a wedding or a divorce. Career decisions are made—perhaps leaving an unfulfilling occupation, launching a new business, going back to school, or seeing a professional victory.
Regardless, people usually use the energy of Saturn to “set down roots” that will last for the next era to come. This is why situations and plans that take a long time are often initiated or take place—such as buying a house, moving to a new location, having a child, or rebranding themselves entirely.
Who is having their Saturn return right now?
Everyone between the ages of 27-31 is going through their first Saturn return. This happens again with people in their mid to late 50s. For those who live longer, it then occurs in the late 80s for a third time.
Saturn is currently in Pisces. You may be experiencing Saturn return right now (until February 2026) if you born between the following dates:
- January 28, 1994-April 7, 1996 (first return)
- May 21, 1993-June 30, 1993 (first return)
- December 16, 1964-March 3, 1967 (second return)
- March 23, 1964-September 16, 1964 (second return)
- October 17, 1937-January 14, 1938 (third return)
- February 14, 1935-April 25, 1937 (third return)
Saturn Return 2025-2028
Saturn ends Aries in 2025. If you were born within the following dates ranges, your Saturn return may occur with Saturn in Aries, between May 2025-April 2028:
- October 25, 1998-February 28, 1999 (first return)
- April 7, 1996-June 9, 1998 (first return)
- March 3, 1967-April 29, 1969 (second return)
- September 22, 1939-March 20, 1940 (third return)
- January 14, 1938-July 6, 1939 (third return)
- April 25, 1937-October 17, 1937 (third return)
Saturn Return 2028-2030
Finally, if you were born between the following dates, your Saturn return may happen with Saturn in Taurus, between April 2028-May 2030:
- October 15, 2000-April 20, 2001(first return)
- February 28, 1999-August 9, 2000 (first return)
- June 9, 1998-October 25, 1998 (first return)
- January 9, 1972-February 21, 1972 (second return)
- April 29, 1969-June 18, 1971(second return)
- March 20, 1940-May 8, 1942 (third return)
- July 6, 1939-September 22, 1939 (third return)
To be more precise, get your free birth chart (here via Cafe Astrology) and see which sign Saturn was in when you were born. If Saturn is not in Pisces, Aries, or Taurus, your Saturn return may not occur until next decade.