Have You Seen The Persimmon Forecast 2022-23?

According to popular folklore, a persimmon can predict winter weather. How do you make a persimmon forecast? It’s easy. Just split open a seed of a locally grown fruit and look at the pattern inside.

If you see a fork, winter will be mild. A shovel (or spoon shape)? It will be snowy. A knife means winter will be harsh and cut like one! (See our illustration below.)

Every year, the Farmers’ Almanac speaks with an expert to give readers an authentic prediction of the weather ahead. If you are wondering if we were right when we said to be prepared to “Shake, Shiver, and Shovel,” read on to find out!

By the way, here are two winter weather warnings that you need to see: Farmers’ Almanac Extended Winter Weather Forecast.

Persimmon seed shovel means lots of snow!
Split open a persimmon seed and look for the shape within. A fork means it will be a mild winter. A shovel (or spoon) means lots of snow. A knife means winter will be harsh and cut like one!

Persimmon Lady Forecast

Melissa Bunker AKA “The Persimmon Lady” has been reading persimmons and making predictions for the Farmers’ Almanac for the last few years. Bear in mind that her results are relative to North Carolina, where she is based. Her results are in!

This year, she opened ten persimmons and only found one seed. This one seed had quite a large shovel shape inside, which calls for a snowy winter. Watch the video below to see what it looks like!

Folks, you heard it from the Persimmon Lady herself! Get ready to Shake, Shiver … and Shovel!

Keep Learning

6 Reasons To Eat Persimmons

Extended Winter Weather Forecast 2022-23

20 Signs Of Hard Winter

Pine Cones, Hedge Apples, And Other Unusual Winter Forecasters

Woolly Bear Caterpillar Winter Forecaster

Phenology: Planting According To Nature

Join The Discussion

Do you believe a persimmon can forecast the weather?

Have you ever cracked open a persimmon seed before?

What is one way that you predict the weather ahead?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!

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Heidi Inman

Did this for the first time in the fall, saw a lot of knives! And we certainly have had a cold, windy winter. Just outside Atlanta.


It can be amazing how accurate these methods of forecasting can be!


Will Westfield nc see any snow or any winter weather

Farley Phillip

Found a wild persimmon tree in the neighborhood and after opening ten are more seeds everyone of them had a spoon!

Labreesk rogers

I believe it is pretty accurate from the folks I have seen do them in their areas. They usually show you the results as winter moves through and let you know if it is correct or was it off. But most people I have seen swear by it and agree it is correct.


The entire persimmon tree AND its fruit open or unopened……. tells the weather. So do all my other trees, lol…….. This year all our trees had hardly any fruit on them at all. The fruit that was on the tree, were small and un-ripe. The blossoms came late as the early blossoms died and this is the cause of the limited fruit. I have some fruit that are still not ready and it is the second week of october! Tomatoes are just now ripening on the porch. Being porch plants we have saved some of our food from the weather (heat, rain, wind etc). I do expect the tomatoes to not freeze as i expect a LATE winter arrival but when it does hit, it will hit with a vengeance. It will also last longer, then all of a sudden, summer will be here. Spring is getting shorter and shorter as is fall. but summer and winter fill in the gaps. We will be having 2 crops a year and planning is already in process on my farm.


Here in the deep south foothills of the Appalachian area we see a Fork in the persimmon seeds.

Cousin Henry

Oct. 6, 2022. From what I understand about winter 2022-23 it is (in our part of the nation; which is Southeastern IL) for unbelievably cold weather with a lot of snow. Naturally, we are hoping this isn’t true, but the persimmon seeds (knives and spoons) and the black willy worms state otherwise.

Sandi Duncan

Winter is always an interesting season – did you see our forecast? In your area we are calling for some very cold days… will be interesting to see if the seeds, worm, or our forecasts prove to be more accurate than the other. Stay warm and thanks for reading our article here.

Doris Sweet

where can I find that heater you once had on a email

Sandi Duncan

Hi Doris,
Not really sure which heater you are referring to. If you could find the newsletter and screenshot and then send to [email protected] we might be able to help you.

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