March Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts

Welcome March! This month is all about transitions and rebirth. It represents the reawakening of nature and a period of rejuvenation and personal growth to match! Let’s acknowledge the renewal and the prospects of new beginnings. The Farmers Almanac invites you to discover many different March symbols: flowers, stones, zodiac signs, herbs, and bird of the month, and more. We hope these, along with March fun facts, inspire you! Share your thoughts (and your photos) in the comments, and let’s relish this transitional month together.

March Birth Month Symbols

March is filled with symbols that remind us of renewals. The cheerful bloom, the daffodil, symbolizes new beginnings and hope, while the aquamarine stone stands for strength and perseverance, providing the energy we need as we enter spring. Pisces and Aries stand as the month’s zodiac guardians, bringing imagination and ambition to those born during this month. The robin, March’s bird of the month, embodies endurance and cheer during a month that can see big change. Sage, rosemary and other healing herbs are associated with this month, adding even more meaning to those born during March.

March birth flower daffodils symbolize new beginnings.

March Birth Month Flower: Daffodil

Daffodils are one of the earliest blooms to brighten the spring landscape, making it no surprise that they are March’s birth flower. These cheerful spring-flowering perennial bulbs are instantly recognizable by even novice gardeners, donning distinct trumpet-shape like flowers and elongated leaves. Bright, sunny, lemon, or butter yellow is the classic daffodil color, but these blooms can be found in different yellow shades as well as white, pale yellow-green, or orange, with many daffodil types showing more than one color as highlights or accents.

Daffodil is the common name for spring-flowering bulbs in the genus Narcissus, with over 50 species. The word “narcissus” is derived from the Greek word meaning pleasant numbness.

Related: Birth Month Flowers: Plant A Family Garden

Because of the Greek association with Narcissus, many Western cultures associate daffodils with vanity or self-obsession. One superstition associates white daffodils with death, and they are occasionally called “grave flowers” to represent that connection. In ancient Greece, these flowers were often planted alongside tombs. The daffodil isn’t associated with only negative meaning however, these flowers can also symbolize a one-and-only love, friendship, cheer, thanks, get well wishes, joy, new beginnings, enthusiasm, and eagerness.

Also called the daffadowndilly, Lent lily, or Easter bell, daffodils have obvious connections to spring and Easter with a sense of rebirth and renewal. The daffodil is a pretty accent for any garden or landscape, growing daffodils and narcissus is easy. These blooms like well-draining soil and full sun. The bulbs should be firm with a papery outer layer and should be planted pointed end up, about 3-6 inches deep, for proper growth. The flowers can be deadheaded after their six-week bloom cycle.

Daffodils are much more than just pretty flowers, their symbolism makes them a good choice not only for March birthdays, but for anniversaries and other special occasions as well. Their cheerful color, delightful scent makes, and their easy-to-grow nature can bring them into even beginner’s gardens and landscapes without difficulty.

March Fun Facts:

  • Daffodils are not native to North America. They grow naturally in Europe and parts of North Africa, and their bulbs have been transported by humans around the globe. Luckily these bright ornamental flowers are non-invasive. 
  • Daffodils don’t mix well with other flowers in a vase. When cut, they release a poisonous sap into the water, which can cause other flowers to wilt and droop. If you’re set on adding daffodils to your mixed flower arrangement, let them sit in a vase of water by themselves for at least 24 hours, so the sap can leech out, before adding them in with other flowers.

Read more about daffodils

March Birthstone: Aquamarine

March’s birthstone, aquamarine, symbolizes strength and perseverance – fitting for the last month of winter. Aquamarine is the union of the two Latin words aqua meaning “water” and marina meaning “of the sea.” Much of the lore surrounding this stone is connected to the ocean. The striking blue hue, with slight hints of green, comes from iron, with the color tone and saturation intensifying as the size of the stone increases.

Related product: March Birthstone Bloodstone Necklace

The ancient Greek believed that Poseidon, God of the Sea, created the aquamarine gem directly from sea water. Both the ancient Greeks and Romans believed that this ocean-colored gem had the power to calm dangerous waves, safeguarding ships and their crew from rough waters. Aquamarine has since become a token of safety for sea travelers. Fisherman also believe that this gem will bring good luck and lead to a bounty of fish. Aquamarine has been touted for mollifying tempers and soothing interpersonal strife. Many credit aquamarine for strengthening relationships and marriages believing that wearing this gem symbolizes a strong bond and a strong level of commitment.  Aquamarine is also given as a present on the 19th wedding anniversary. 

The March birthstone is believed to promote healing, easing anxiety, improved mental clarity, and increased vitality. March’s other birthstone, bloodstone, while different in appearance, share the same stature for protecting one’s well-being.

March Fun Facts:

  • Aquamarine is the Colorado state gem, a state with rich mining history. 
  • Emerald is made from the same mineral as aquamarine: beryl.

Learn more about aquamarine

Related: See all birthstones by month

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March Colors: Aqua, Lime, Black, Purple

March’s main color, aqua or “robin’s egg blue,” is a nod to the March birthstone, aquamarine, and the March bird of the month, Robin. This color is believed to spark inspiration, bolster your intuition, and your “gut feeling.” Like the sign of Pisces (two fishes), aqua has an affiliation with the water element, which is correlates to your subconsciousness and imagination.

March Fun Facts:

  • The color aqua evokes a feeling of calmness and emotional healing, reminiscent of the ocean. 
  • In the color wheel, aqua is halfway between blue and green.
Full March Worm Moon

Full Worm Moon

The March full Moon, often called the “Worm Moon,” usually signifies the beginning of spring. Around this time of year, earthworms and other small creatures wake up from their winter sleep, providing food for birds and animals. This activity helps make the ground better for planting and growing plants after winter. (Though it is important to note that March’s full Moon sometimes occurs before the first day of spring.)

Related: Farmers’ Almanac Gardening By The Moon Calendar

Different cultures around the world have their own names for this Moon, which reflect changes in the season. For instance, “Snow Crust Moon” represents warmer days when snow begins to melt but freezes again at night forming a hard crust. “Sore Eye Moon” symbolizes the blindness that comes from sunlight reflecting off of the snow’s freshly frozen crust.

Learn more about the Full Worm Moon and Alternative Names

Related: 2023-24 Full Moon Dates And Times

March Fun Facts:

  • When the Worm Moon falls after the spring equinox it is also known as The Paschal Moon.

Zodiac Signs: Pisces And Aries

Two zodiac signs are associated with the March birth month: Pisces and Aries.

Pisces, one of the symbols for March.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces is the twelfth constellation of the zodiac. Its name is the Latin word meaning “fishes.” Highly creative and imaginative, as well as compassionate and loving, Pisces is a water sign, the final of the zodiac and is symbolized by fish. Intuitive and emotional, Pisces are often described as old souls, with an innate connection to the spiritual world, being drawn to romantic and creative experiences. People born with this zodiac sign are often particularly sensitive and compassionate, putting the needs of others before themselves.

Related: What Is Your Zodiac Sign?

Pisces generally prioritize their social life and make excellent friends, and their emotional sensitivity can help them tune into other’s feelings that many people often ignore. Pisces go-with-the-flow and thrive on spontaneity. They succeed in career positions that require creativity and intuition, in which they can help others. While they often seem lost in their own imagination, once a Pisces decides to commit, they will give it their all.

Characterized as the most sensitive of the zodiac signs, Pisces are particularly sensitive to criticism and have a tendency to develop people-pleasing tendencies. A Pisces is the gentlest of the zodiacs and their view of the world is often through rose-colored glasses, believing that everyone deserves kindness and respect. A Pisces is someone you want in your corner of life.

Related: Learn more about Pisces

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The first sign in the zodiac belongs to Aries, which aptly describes their personality.  Its name comes from the Latin word, meaning “ram.” These rams are the leader of the pack – ambitious, passionate, and independent. These trailblazers are ultra-competitive and will never do something just because someone else is. Aries tend to be smart and impulsive and thrive when they have multiple projects in the works. Don’t expect an Aries to be content until their personal and work lives align with the life they have envisioned.  

If you manage to keep up with these inspirited individuals, you will have a solid and loyal friend who enjoys being the life of the party. While Aries are social beings, they are also very comfortable being in their own company. The Ram’s frankness can often come across as rude, but their bluntness is driven by a high value of honesty. Their fiery spirit and short fuse can also turn some people off, but this can also be their greatest asset if channeled appropriately.  Once they set a goal, they are likely to achieve it.

Related: Learn more about Aries

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March Fun Facts:

  • Neptune is Pisces ruling planet, which is connected to creativity and spirituality. Those born in the zodiac sign of Pisces are known for being in-tune with their emotions.
  • Mars is the Aries ruling planet, which is believed to imbue ample energy and motivation to achieve goals.

Share any March fun facts that you know in the comments section!

March symbols represented by herb of the month, sage.

March Herbs of the Month

The link between herbs and star signs comes from the idea that the qualities of herbs match up with the personality traits of each star sign.

Some herbs are connected to specific zodiac signs because they are thought to boost the good qualities of people born under those signs or to help with the problems they often run into.

Pisces herbs (Feb-March): Sage, an herb that is both tasty and aromatic, is believed to be particularly important for Pisces. It comes from the Mediterranean area and has been valued by many cultures for hundreds of years. The name Sage comes from the Latin word salvere, which means “to be saved.” Well-known for its strong scent and flavor that can be used in many dishes, Sage is a common ingredient in cooking.

Sage is also full of nutrients and substances that can help with dental health, brain function, and may even help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Its use in history is widespread, including being a favorite tea in China since 812 AD. Sage was also a crucial part of Roman healthcare for treating wounds, soothing sore throats, and helping with digestion. Sage is more than just a kitchen or health herb, it’s also important in spiritual practices like sage burning or smudging—a time-honored method that cleanses places, items, and people with its purifying smoke. Pisces is also linked to other herbs such as mugwort, basil, lemon balm, and borage.

Aries herbs (March-April): Rosemary, known around the world for its use in cooking and health, is an adaptable herb famous for its pleasant smell. Coming from the Latin name Rosmarinus Officinalis, which means “dew of the sea” because it grows well near the sea, this herb has stiff branches and needle-like leaves that are full of substances that fight bacteria, viruses, and damage from oxidation. During medieval times in Europe, people thought rosemary could protect them from sickness, especially during the Black Plague. Nowadays, people use it in different ways, sometimes as an essential oil, because it’s good for health.

Rosemary is especially treasured for its aroma that can help with memory and is often included in wedding decorations and headpieces as a symbol of remembering one’s life before marriage. It’s also used in funerals to say goodbye. In the kitchen, rosemary adds a rich taste to meats, veggies, and soups, and because it’s an antioxidant, it’s also a popular choice for making teas. Ancient Greek students used rosemary to help with memory and studying. Rosemary grows best in sunny places with good drainage and can be planted with other plants like sage, carrots, cabbage, and beans. It can even be brought inside during the cold months. The strong character of rosemary matches the zodiac sign of Aries, the Ram, known for its energy and strength. Other herbs linked with Aries include basil, nettle, chervil, wormwood, and geranium.

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March symbols represented by bird of the month, robin.

March Birth Month Bird: Robin

Just as the daffodil announces the coming of spring, seeing a robin is a sign that warmer weather is coming. These mid-sized singing birds, with their bright red chest and yellow beak, are not only a common sight but also the bird that represents March. The color “robin’s egg blue” is well-known, and its happy song, which sounds like “cheerily, cheer-up, cheerio,” tells us that a new season is starting.

The robin, standing for fresh starts and a return to life, reflects the toughness and lively character often seen in people born in March. With deep roots in old stories, the Robin is known for its strong feelings, honor, and ability to keep going, making it an everlasting sign of the beginning of spring and the chance for new opportunities.

March Fun Facts:

  • Nesting Practices: Robins have complex ways of making their homes. They usually create their nests from grass, small sticks, and mud, and they like to make the inside of their nests comfortable with soft things like grass or feathers.
  • Varied Eating Habits: Even though we often think of robins as worm eaters, they actually eat many different things. They also snack on bugs, fruits, and berries. This varied diet helps them find food in different seasons.

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What Does “March” Mean?

March was derived from the Latin word Martius, named after the Mars, the Roman god of war. In Ancient Rome, March marked the beginning of active military campaigns. (Swords were traditionally put down during the winter and would resume when the ground had thawed.)

March Calendar

Martius was the first month in the original Roman calendar. The Roman ruler, Numa Pompilius gave the calendar a lunar makeover and added January and February to the calendar, making March the third month of the year. Despite most people adopting the current Gregorian calendar, some cultures and religions still celebrate the new year on March first. Iran celebrates their New Year’s Day on March 21.

In the Northern Hemisphere, March marks the beginning of spring, while in the southern half, it marks fall.

March Fun Facts:

Do you know any other March fun facts? Share with us in the comments!

What Is The “Ides” Of March?

On the Roman calendar, the midpoint of every month (or when the first full Moon usually fell) was known as the ides. The ides of March once signified the new year, with celebrations and jubilee, where they made sacrifices to the gods and paid their debts. It is also the day when Julius Ceasar was assassinated. It was further immortalized when “beware the Ides of March” was spoken by a soothsayer to Ceasar in a Shakespeare play. It has since been associated with misfortune and doom used to foreshadow bad to come.

Do you believe that the ides of March are particularly unlucky? Share with us in the comments below!

March Weather Lore

You may be familiar with the lore “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” This saying comes from the thought that Mother Nature equals out. If the weather in early March is stormy and rough (like a lion), it will balance out with sunshine and pleasant weather at the end of the month. The Anglo-Saxons called March hlyd monath, meaning “stormy month,” or hraed monath, meaning “rugged month.”

Psst … have you seen our Spring Extended Weather Forecast?

Here is some additional March weather folklore expressions:  

  • A dry March and a wet May; Fill barns and bays with corn and hay.
  • As it rains in March, so it rains in June.
  • March winds and April showers, Bring forth May flowers.
  • So many mists in March you see, so many frosts in May will be.

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March Night Sky

As the biting cold starts to give way to milder spring weather, March is a great time to cast your eyes skyward. We recommend looking southwest at around 9 p.m. local time to catch a glimpse of Orion’s belt, which appears to be three stars in a row. If the horizon line is clear you may also be able to see Sirius, the brightest star in the sky (besides the Sun). If you look north, you’ll see The Big Dipper.

Related: Monthly Stargazing Night Sky Guide

March Fun Facts:

  • March is typically the month when amateur astronomers attempt the Messier Marathon, an attempt to observe all 110 objects listed in the Messier Catalog in one night. This feat is often tackled in late March, when the positions of the Earth and the Messier objects align so that they are all above the horizon during a single night.
  • The zodiacal lights is a sign spring is near. March is considered one of the best months to observe the zodiacal light from the Northern Hemisphere. The zodiacal light is a faint glow of diffuse light in the night sky that appears to extend from the vicinity of the Sun. It is caused by sunlight scattering from interplanetary dust in the Solar System.

Gardening: Planning And Planting Seeds

Here are three tips to help you “get growing” with your spring gardens:

1) Check your region’s last frost dates.

2) If you plan to plant seeds gathered from a previous season, make sure they are still viable.

3) Use the top of your refrigerator as a safe place to store your freshly seeded trays before moving them to a window.

Here are more tips for starting your seeds.

Related: Farmers’ Almanac Gardening By The Moon Calendar

Recipes For March

Stay warm and healthy with some of these Farmer’s Almanac favorites: 

Foolproof Corned Beef and Cabbage

Have St. Paddy’s Day leftovers?

Need a ham recipe for Easter?

March Trivia

  • St Patrick’s Day occurs every March 17, celebrated in many western countries to commemorate the day Saint Patrick died.
  • On March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell made the first-ever phone call.
  • President John F. Kennedy founded the Peace Corps on March 1, 1961.
  • March 8 is International Women’s Day.
  • March Madness is another name for the college basketball national championship in the United States. During March and April, 68 college basketball teams play for the title in the “NCAA March Madness.”

Join The Discussion 

Were you born in March?

Which symbols for March are your favorite?

Do you know any interesting March fun facts, symbols, or folklore not mentioned above?

Share with your community here in the comments below!

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I’m a March Pisces baby

Farmers' Almanac

Woo hoo! Hope you had a great birthday. Thanks for stopping by to say hello, Angela!


Emerald is a beryl. Ruby is a corundum, not in the same family as beryl.

Farmers' Almanac

Thanks for your comment. You are correct! Read more about the July birthstone, ruby here – We used to offer a natural ruby necklace in our online store, but they sold out. Have you seen our selection of birthstone necklaces? Take a look at them here –

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