Sturgeon Moon Horoscopes — August 2023

As we turn a corner into the full heat of summer, we hear the crickets sing in the shadows, watch fireflies dance at dusk, and witness the stars peer down at us on cloudless nights. August 2023 will bring two full Moons—a rare occurrence, as we often only experience one per month. This means at the onset of the month we’ll feel the intensity of one lunar cycle, bookended by the energy of an altogether different frequency just weeks away. For this reason, we considered our popular Zodiac Calendar and consulted globally recognized astrologer Kyle Thomas to create a special horoscope report for you. Here are ways that August’s Sturgeon Moon may affect you according to your zodiac sign …

A General Note About Full Moons And Astrology

Full Moons are believed to be the most intense periods of time within any given lunar cycle. (Learn more about the Phases of the Moon.) During these times, you may feel emotional, passionate, and irritable. Full Moons always bring a turning point, culmination, breakthrough, breakdown, or ending. Learn how to use full Moons for self-care.

The Full Sturgeon Moon in 2023 will also be a Supermoon—the second of four Supermoons in a row. (The third will be a Blue Moon on August 31.) In terms of astrology, Supermoons may have a slightly stronger energy, but not as intense as an eclipse would be. Learn more about Supermoons.

Sturgeon Moon 2023 Astrology

The Full Sturgeon Moon reaches peak illumination on August 1, 2023 at 2:32 p.m. at 9 degrees of Aquarius. (Each sign of the zodiac is comprised of 30 degrees, so 9 degrees would mean that the Moon is positioned approximately one third of the full length of Aquarius as it heads towards Pisces. See the illustration below.)

Horoscopes explained with a zodiac wheel.
The Moon travels through all the zodiac signs each month (lunar cycle).

Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign on the wheel and is the opposite polarity of Leo. Both of these zodiac signs on the wheel tie to passion, hopes, dreams, desires, and connection to others. Love—both romantic and platonic—can be found on this axis.

Learn more about all zodiac signs

This Sturgeon Moon will beckon us to connect with others as we ponder our place in the world. During this lunation you may experience a few different energetic frequencies. First, the full Moon will be square to Jupiter, which may make you feel larger than life—social, uplifted, and eager for laughter! But be mindful that this extreme optimism may lead to over indulgence. This tendency may be further amplified by a clash between Venus and this lunations ruling planet, Uranus, resulting in a topsy-turvy energy that may affect desires, passions, and relationships. Mercury will be opposite Saturn, which could bring some heavy mental smog, but luckily Mars will dance effortlessly with Jupiter, bringing a gusto of perseverance, confidence, and courage despite anything that may stand before you.

Also, take note of any situations that arise now that are reminiscent of this past January-February as this full Moon is closely linked to themes and conversations that followed the new Moon in Aquarius on January 21, 2023.

Sturgeon Moon Horoscopes By Zodiac Sign

Here is a quick guide for how you may be affected by August’s full Sturgeon Moon. (Find your birthday in the date ranges below to read your personal horoscope.)

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

It’s time to dream big and have fun doing it, Aries! This full Moon will energize you to embrace your heart’s desires, hopes, and dreams. Consider connecting with your community, volunteering, or attending a mixer with friends. Networking will sparkle for you now—ask for favors and they could be granted.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Have you been hustling hard on work in the past six months, Taurus? If so, prepare to win big! You may get a major promotion or find success otherwise. Glory is set to manifest in the palm of your hands. An award, favorable press, or recognition could shoot you through the stratosphere and put your name in lights.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Get ready to soar into new horizons, Gemini. You may very soon look back and realize how far you have come! You are set to experience a dizzying and dazzling whirlwind as you embark on new personal and professional ventures. This could also bring a turning point or opportunity to pursue academics, media matters, long distance travel, or legalities.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Big wealth may present itself now, Cancer. This could manifest in the form of a settlement, inheritance, bonus negotiation, or even the opportunity to find a new line of credit. If you’ve been seeking to pay off debts, now may bring the final tally to a close.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Important decisions and contracts spotlighting relationships are here for you to face, Leo. Get excited for an opportunity to pull someone special a little bit closer! This full Moon could elicit a decision to move in, make long-term plans, get engaged, or even be wed. If single, now is a great moment to look for someone with long-term-relationship potential. But beware: If you and your partner are not on the same page, you may separate quickly.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Get ready to ratchet up the speed in your life, Virgo, you’re moving like lightning. Look at your life and productivity like a machine and find out how you can be even more efficient, lean, and green. You could be polishing off a major project for work, leaving one job to start another, or handling an important fitness or health goal.

Zodiac sign symbols.
What do you think about these horoscopes? Tell us in the comments below!

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Your heart is echoing like thunder, Libra. You’re ready to shout your love and desires to the heavens. An important heartfelt joy may be here, such as the revelation that you’re falling in love. Regardless if you are single or in a relationship, spend the moment indulging in laughter, hobbies, or romance.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

A change is set for your domestic life, home, and family, Scorpio. This could manifest as a move, renovation, or desire to redecorate everything! If you need to step in for your family, such as helping one of your kindred, do so with grace.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Step up to the microphone and announce your plans to the world, Sagittarius. You could find that you are unleashing brilliant and revolutionary ideas in regards to writing, speaking, or advertising endeavors. If travel is on your docket, you could also be coming and going and racing about town.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Money is on your mind, Capricorn. You may find that your nest egg is looking especially plump! Don’t just wait for money to dance into your palms, though. Now is a time to put your laser focus on monetization! Consider adding a side hustle to your plans, raising your rates if self-employed, asking for a raise, or looking for a better-paying job. Selling things could also do well at this time.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

The universe is telling you to cool your jets, rest, and recharge. You’ll be glad that you did. If you’re feeling more burnt out, make sure to listen to your heart, soul, and body. Rest isn’t a luxury—it’s important for everyone. Last to note is that you could feel the need to connect with a counselor, specialist, or therapist.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Rest, relax, and let out your deepest yawn, Pisces. You’re likely to feel a bit burnt out and wanting to lie low. Let your spirit be free and release anything or anyone that is not making you happy or nourishing you. Connecting with meditation or mindfulness or consulting with a therapist could also do you well.

FA Astrology

The Farmers’ Almanac famous Best Days and Gardening By The Moon calendars are based on the astrological placements of the Sun and Moon. Horoscopes are metaphysical interpretations based on similar principles.

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If you are following along with us from last month’s horoscopes, did you notice any pivotal moments in your life, perhaps triggered by the lunar eclipse?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Kyle Thomas, an expert astrologer.
Kyle Thomas

Kyle Thomas is an expert astrologer who writes for The New York Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Marie Claire, Elite Daily, Bustle,and more. He has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC and ABC television. Kyle is globally recognized as a "celebrity astrologer" for his guidance of well known actors in Hollywood and prominent business executives, but he also loves sharing his comic insights with everyday people. His work explains how astrology influences lifestyle and trends worldwide. Learn more about him at

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I was just wondering, how will this effect young children?

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