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Fish Odor

Smoked Salmon - Fish bone

To remove fish odors from hands, wash them in one teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in one quart of water.

Keep Ants Outdoors

Are the ants marching in? Sprinkle red pepper where floors and counter tops meet walls.

Make Your Own Brown Sugar

Make your own brown sugar: Use a 1/2 cup of molasses per cup of sugar for dark or a 1/4 cup molasses for light.

Prevent Tomato Hornworms

Insects - Five-spotted hawk moth

Plant dill near tomato plants to prevent tomato hornworms. The dill is considered a “trap crop” as the hornworms will go for the dill over the tomato plants.

Dairy and Allergies

Got allergies? Stay away from dairy products. They thicken mucus and make congestion worse!

Reduce Congestion

Allergies - Allergic rhinitis

Got allergies? Stay away from dairy products. They thicken mucus and make congestion worse!

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