Pine Sap Removal
Try adding a small amount of cooking oil onto the pine sap-covered area. The oil should cover all of the pine sap. Rub for a minute or more. The sap should loosen enough to wash away. Repeat if necessary.
Try adding a small amount of cooking oil onto the pine sap-covered area. The oil should cover all of the pine sap. Rub for a minute or more. The sap should loosen enough to wash away. Repeat if necessary.
In a microwave-safe bowl, combine 1/2 cup each of water and distilled white vinegar. Microwave the mixture for about 5 minutes, or until it boils. Leave the bowl in the microwave until it has cooled enough to handle. Wipe down the inside of the microwave with a sponge. The solution makes its easier to wipe
Try placing aluminum foil or two-sided tape on the counter. Many cats do not like the feeling of these materials.
To remove hard water spots from dishes and glasses, try soaking them in a solution of water and vinegar. Let them soak for a few hours, then wash as you normally would. You can also try adding a little vinegar to your dishwasher cycle to help avoid the spots from occurring.
If your shoes are emitting an unpleasant odor, try stuffing newspaper in them. The paper absorbs the odor and perspiration and keeps shoes in shape.
Don’t despair if your steam iron doesn’t steam. Quite often, mineral deposits in the water clog the vents, and a simple treatment can solve the problem. Fill the water reservoir with white vinegar. Heat the iron and set it on a cake or broiler rack while it steams a few minutes. Unplug and stand the
A dish of fresh coffee in the refrigerator can eliminate unpleasant odors.
To sweep up stubborn dirt, spray your broom’s bristles with furniture polish.